Space Jellyfish

So yeah, I was playing CIU so much but with the same waves and that make me think about a new wave with new enemie, that will be cool cause CI need to be more realistic and imagination thats why I think the new enemie is space Jellyfish…

an enemy that moves in a straight line and doesn’t attack is just what the game needs for realism


iA should add the whole planet bruh

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Meh, it could shoot the same alternating two pulse patterns as the boss version does in CI5.

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What if it hits you
“Comes from all angles”
‘look in all directions’ wave
‘gyroscopic malfunction’ wave
ricochet, acrobatics, etc

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Ye, but right now I need to see it in the game, I hope that will happened

Will it be like jellyfish in CI5?

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I can’t say yes or no cause IA is the only one who knows that if he like this idea

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