Something to add to the missions result

as you can see there is no coins collected in this result my idea is add coins collected in missions result.

at the end was this idea suggested before if so please give me the link and thanks


The only thing coins give you is score so it’s amount isn’t actually needed to know. Food and keys are stored, that’s why you have them on result screen.


just i want to see coins that i collected


I think this would be a good idea.


We have explained for the 2nd time that coins collected aren’t items that are stored. that’s why you don’t see them.

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tbh, seeing the number of coins you collected is pointless, you can already see all of your coins in the hall of fame

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i want to see it in any mission not hall of fame

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Not nessecary.

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But it would be a good additional feature.


read these.

Well, although this idea is pointless in my opinion, some people might like it, so, when you’re in doubt democracy is the option

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Honestly that would be pretty useless.

Other than for points, what do you need coins for, anyways?


idk… secondary currency? Not like how diamonds work, but two parallel currencies in the game? Like some regional stores require you to pay coins.

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You win medals.


In Smileyville coins are the currency (to buy “delicious” vitamins).

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I mean… if regional stores accepted coins and keys, then there would be an advantage to regional stores even existing, as the discount is usually overshadowed by the travel costs.

The only problem that I can think of this if the game even counts the coins collected. If coins were implemented as a separate currency, then they need to stop giving points for reasons.

On the other hand, it being a subtle reference to iA’s past work would be cool, too.


In Smileyville coins gave coins and were the currency.

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You really seem to have trouble understanding what people are trying to convey. That was what I was trying to say all this while.

It’s actually a good idea if there’s item in the store that requires coins only.

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Edit the post, because system for some weird reason deletes the quote.