Share here your tips for beginners

In the last period I am seeing a lot of new forum users (and so new players for universe i assume)

Post here everithing you think a universe newcomer should know: tips, tricks on saving economy and must-to know things

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• Utensil poker and Neutron gun are best weapons in the game. UPD: no longer
• Wormholes look like this:


Star picture to compare size

• You can change your nickname in “Profile” (Helmet icon) in “Callsign” field.
• Your items are in right column while you enter the shop. Some of them are upgradeable (weapons, reactors etc)
• Eggs are not for food!
• Moron railgun is the worst weapon in the game + there is no gift for it.
• You can pick up satellites with circles near your ship satelliteDock_fixed01
Barriers, eggs and small UCO parts give you some points.

How they look like

barrier5_fixed ufo-saucer5 barrier-sphere_fixed

• Equipment in heroware, hero academy and aftermarket is cheaper than in galaxy shop

Heroware, hero academy and aftermarket



=============Orandza’s video=============

Bullet Spray Expander in all weapons

Bullet Spray Condenser in all weapons


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