Save Item

What is it?: An item
Type of item: Always On
How it works:
So you can buy it for 69 (nice) keys, With it you can make a save for a mission then come back to it later, you can also name it, Youre like “You can use Disconnect dummy”, Well it doesnt work that way, You save it then you do other missions then if youre done you can come back to it, but wait. You dont have to start from wave 1, It will take you on the wave/boss you were in, Also if you try to add more stuff to your Mission Config it will not be added to the save, You can create multiple saves at the same time.
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You can use Disconnect dummy


Understood. So it’s like savegames, right? It can be useful when you want to interrupt a mission to fly another one, or save it until your buddies ready to join and help you on hard waves / bosses. Especially on long missions.

A savegames tab can be added in Pilot Profile → Missions, together with Favourites, Recent, To-do and Assignments already there.

Does buying it allow you to save a game once or offer you a slot to have 1 savegame at a time?

However, we should carefully consider how it might change the mechanics of the game.


If you only have 1 save and saved a mission then completed it, it can be used infinitely if you complete them. Buying more will allow you to make multiple saves of multiple missions.

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I see. Technically you’re buying slots for savegames. Should there be a limit?

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Could be easily exploited. It may be useful but it is another way to farm infinite keys from slob chickens, especially when I don’t understand what happens if you surrender a “saved” mission. Do you get the reward or the item gets perished? Or the save is still there?

PS: Please think more carefully on your ideas.


Lets make it 10

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You cant do that.

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For real, you guys hate it. :cry:

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Lemme be fair. a mission save means that all the player progress are saved during a point in the missions. even his lives. so basically if we use the save file we can restore everything important has been lost after the save. including lives and that would make the game easy and medal farming an easier job and there would be no challenge in the game. for example. if the player had 8 lives and had lost one. he will use the save to restore it to 8. same thing to other mechanics.

a disconnect feature is enough to save your progress since they don’t restore what is important. and that will save the challenge of a mission.


I actually tried. If I lose a life in a wave and disconnect it, when I reconnect I’ll start with that life lost and firepower reduced. If savegames work the same way with disconnect, you can’t exploit it like that.

If disconnecting resets what you earned that wave but still preserve what you’ve lost, I think it’s fair enough.

Step 1: go to mission with slob chickens
Step 2: reach wave with a lot of slob
Step 3: Save, fight the slobs then surrender
Step 4: Re-enter the save
Step 5: Repeat step 3

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This method of farming can be easily avoided by reset the progress everytime you rejoin. In short, you have to actually play it again each time, not replay it many times.

If you surrender, the mission has already finished, you can’t save it.

You can still play the whole mission again, but there will be unoriginally penalties for playing it recently.


If the limit it 10, that means you can buy it and upgrade 9 times or you have to buy it 10 times?

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Buy it 10 times.


OK then. I think this idea is worth considering, there’re ways to prevent exploitation.


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