Problem about HUD Progress Meter

A very long time I didn’t play CIU usually anymore. So I don’t understand why HUD progress meter which I bought doesn’t work anymore now, exactly it only appears when I fight the Boss.
I don’t usually visit page and read update patches so I didn’t remember exactly when it was appeared.
By the way, Utensil Poker used to be a good weapon, but now this one like a trash. Low burst, fast heating-sink, although I upgraded it maximum levels. With a new player like me, it’s very hard to walkthrough systems without mountable like missles, extra life,satellites,… when every systems have same difficulty.
I hope the weapons will be balanced perfectly, or turn back to previous version. It was a good memory. :frowning_face:


Did you equip the progress meter after buying it? If not, it won’t appear on normal waves, only on boss waves.

Also, it should be Early Access, not Site Feedback, as it’s about CIU.

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oof, sorry for my bad. this is first topic and i don’t know where it would be supposed to.
with basic hatchling, I don’t have any mountable slot to equip it, but i still worked before.

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Anything about CIU goes to Early Access, ideas about CIU goes to Ideas, anything site related goes to Site Feedback, CI related goes to Chicken Invaders

If there’s a free slot and it’s mounted, it should appear on normal waves, not only boss waves. If the slots are full, free one of them.

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