Post your top powerful weapons list!

Am I late to this topic?


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i actually wanted to move the orange box to the B tier, and riddler to D tier.

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Here is mine :+1:

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lel my ratings

I don’t know why I didn’t notice this topic until now, just the old one.

why you hate hypergun tho? or whatever it is i dont remember it’s name

Pretty sure it’s satire

oh lol

That list is pretty old ._ . I pretty much like hypergun now (not for corn though)

Most hated weapons of other CI game became most loved weapons in CIU.

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Well, If you talk about single targets ( like bosses ), Vulcan, Hyper, riddler and boron railgun are the best. If you have to fight multiple targets ( like a Squwak block or anything other than bosses probably ), Positron is best since plasma overheats very quickly.

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S: “CALL THE AMBULANCE! but not for me!” tier
Lightning Fryer: ok, i’m going to say it for the sake of saying it. UNLIMITED POWER!!! Jokes aside, Lightning Fryer is very powerful for its large dps, multi-kills, and multi-hits in bosses. and combined with a BX ship, you become palpatine! no joke, you literally fry those chickens like potatoes.
Corn Shotgun: i know this is controversial, but Corn Shotgun has really good AOE and DPS which is simply too much to pass. some people hate it for its weak level 0 but BX and leveling exist. and let’s just say that it erases the bosses like its walking on water.
Photon Swarm: spray spray pew pew pew. with BX it’s literally showering the chickens with swarms of photons.
Positron Stream: very good dps, very good with accumulator, very good against big enemies, AND can shoot through walls that have a tiny hole gap. what more do you need?

A: “i’ll take it anytime” tier
Boron Railgun: just high ROF and DPS. BX just bumps it up here
Vulcan Chaingun: before i got a BX, i had 2 options to use as weapons until i saved up enough for the BX: ion blaster and vulcan chaingun. i picked vulcan chaingun and had a surprising amount of usage with it. it’s good against bosses, asteroids, and some other stuff. the only bad thing about it is that it is not that manageable, even with the accumulator.
Utensil Poker: self explanatory with the flaw of mixed spread.

B: “I’LL ALLOW IT!!” tier
Ion Blaster + Neutron Gun: both of these weapons are just so similar i decided to combine them in 1 explanation: both have painfully slow projectiles but very high damage, making a satisfying impact when the boss’ health went from 0% to 100% in mere SECONDS! the only difference imo is that Ion blaster has more spread but more projectiles and Neutron gun is a dps weapon.
Laser Cannon: low levels SUCK! everything else is close to outclassed by lightning fryer in terms of normal chicken levels. i’d recommend you get more than level 5/6 for bosses as it simply is a weapon just for bosses.

C: “hmmm” tier
Riddler: Powerful, but powerless compared to the rest above.
Hypergun: Downgraded boron, change it back
Plasma Rifle: high dps, but more or less, outclassed by the positron stream.

F: “MORON!” tier
Absolver beam: charge is good, but not in this game/series


Ion blaster is my best weapon

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S: Laser Cannon - high DPS and just so good at max power, Boron Railgun (w/ Accumulator - this is so OP for bosses), Corn Shotgun with Bullet Spray Condenser (this is very OP for almost all situations).
A: Positron Stream, Photon Swarm, Vulcan Chaingun, Utensil Poker (with Bullet Spray Condenser), Ion Blaster (w/ Bullet Spray Condenser), Riddler with Bullet Spray Condenser (very OP as it damages several enemies at a time!), Vulcan Chaingun
B: Lightning Fryer, Plasma Rifle, Boron Railgun
C: Ion Blaster, Riddler, Hypergun. Corn Shotgun
D: Absolver Beam, Neutron Gun (I’m gonna get a LOT of hate for this, but hear me out: Even Laser does more damage)
F: Moron Railgun (not ranked)
Not ranked: Moron Railgun - The description literally says to get a better weapon, and I never EVER use it. But if I did rank it, I’d put it in F.

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I changed my mind about the last reply. Here is the new one.

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