[POLL] When did you join the forum?

  • Still no Early Access :confused:
  • Early Access version 1
  • Early Access version 2 - 10
  • Early Access version 11 - 20
  • Early Access version 21 - 30
  • Early Access version 31 - 40
  • Early Access version 41 - 47

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I know this topic is useless


I joined the forum when it was created, but only started to be active on it when the EA v1 got released. I didn’t feel like it was worth it to sit there without first seeing how the game would work.


I also joined it when it was created, forgot about it, and then downloaded v15 and became active since then. I was kinda disappointed that the story wasn’t being continued.


Ah, the good old times. When we just waited for plan update, didnt have many crappy topics and pathetic spammers.


I missed v10.1 no… :frowning_face:


I can’t even remember. :roll_eyes:

EDIT: Wait, I remember now, just had to check some things.


Although I had already joined the game before and then joined the forum on February 2, 2020, in early access 33

Edit: If you want to know, i joined to the UHF in EA 7


I knew about CIU when I saw a message under Boggy’s profile “playing chicken invaders universe” in bejeweled fans discord server

I joined in 2019/may/ 9

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Originally I discovered this forum around the time it was created in the summer of 2018, but I made an account when IA released v.1.

Well, at least that’s what I remember, but it could’ve been v.2 as well. Not sure.


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I joined the forum a day or two after finding out about and playing Chicken Invaders Universe. I still remember playing in New Year’s Eve, back in 1st of Jan, 2019.
I forgot what version it was back then, but it was below v10.

I know of Chicken Invaders Universe because I regularly checked for updates on CI6 and then I read that it turned out into CIU.

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August 2018, hit by nostalgia I decided to buy chicken invaders 3 on my mobile but didn’t bought it.
A chicken invaders 5 was published and I didn’t played it.
Instantly bought it, finished and checked online for ci6 info.

Came across the wiki and discovered universe announce.
Then a link to the forum appeared!

So that’s how I am here.

I remember that the week before EA1 release my PC broke and had to wait EA5 (I think) in order to actually play the game

The good old days when sweather chicken was the hardest boss in the game… good times


I joined these forums the day I joined these forums


I have a tautology club in which we talk about the ſtuff we talk about in my tautology club.
You ſhould join ſo that you’ll have joined!


i joined this forum Sep 8, '18 but at first i was not very active. i found this forum when i was searching about new chicken invaders game. well thats all i will say :slightly_smiling_face:

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I joined the forum about the date it was created.

I tried to join CIU in V1, but there was a bug in which I couldn’t login and I joined in V2. Then, I had to reset the computer in which I had the CIU account and I didn’t backup, so I lost my progress an joined again after that Christmas.


i joined when after i installed ciu kinda like 10months

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Only true olds remember registration issues at the first several hours of forum existence.


About 1 and half years ago i was searching if they make a CI6 after 5 i saw CIU released in 2018 i watched the trailer but it didnt excited me i tought it was only online/multiplayer and i dont know why and i forget about it .
And about 40 days when corona quarantine i decided to download to see how it is and i like it a lot
I didnt knew that have many star system , upgrade , new weapon , enemy …
Beside i played all CI from 1 to 5 i started since i was 7 years old .


I joined the forum since January, then I was searching for CI6, I clicked on the answer topic and saw someone saying ’iA can make CI6 when he finished CIU’ then I searched for CIU and well, I created an account and join the forum.

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In the first hour IIRC, entering the site was not posible at all. It was late night for me and I decided to shut my laptop off and wait until tomorrow.