NPC: Henry's Clothing Market (Chicken Skin Merchant)

add this npc please

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Is necessary to ask this again when you need this idea to be add?

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Nice, topic unlocked. I think this idea will be added.


Why No ,New Features Coming Soon .

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I was merely asked to open this topic, I don’t intend to do anything specific with it.

I’ll just say that it’s a very detailed and well thought-out idea, but there are certain technical considerations (read: limitations) when it comes to implementing some aspects of it. Off the top of my head (pun intended), any hat would need to be rendered for each distinct head angle (120+ of them), so things would quickly become unwieldy.


I guess this might be added.


As a stopgap, it might still be feasible to make hat textures for chicken breeds with fixed head positions like big chickens, chickenauts, etc.


…sad, but understandable… it would be very cool to at least see Henry the Merchant show up somewhere, however…

Does this mean that this option will not be added forever?