No Boosters Medal

The title says it all. Since boosters are just additional (and especially optional) things that just make your life easier, and we all know everything that is additional and just makes your life easier in CIU gives you a medal for not using them in any mission, it would make total sense to add the boosters under the same category.

I don’t know what the name or look could be, but I just gave the input, the rest can be added later if this gets considered. Also since boosters would now count as additional equipment (just like satellites) the unprepered medal should count them as well, meaning you have to not use boosters either to get that medal.

Playing with no boosters is perfectly feasable, especially since such thing didn’t exist in the original episodes, and two weapons (moron and beam) do not even support them by design, so they really are additinal things that you can perfectly live without if you want an additional score boost.

I personally don’t see any flaw in this and honestly think it was an overlook and should have been like this since the beginning, but if anyone has a valid reason of why this could not work I’ll be ready to listen.


It would have the same value as Unprepared Medal in my opinion. Though it’s just an additional equipment like satellite, but lack of booster is a moderately big disadvantage to players.

Not too sure about the point value, but even if I kinda agree that getting used to not using boosters is hard, it’s also not impossible.

Everyone (including me) just got used to them because there is really no reason not to use them, but they still remain an additional thing that just makes your life easier, just like satellites, special weapons and other equipment, so playing without them should give a medal just like the other equipment does.

Also like I said, episodes didn’t even have them, and the game were just fine. Of course CIU is harder, but at least on easier waves it’s totally feasable to do without them, or in general there are other ways to compensate for that.

Ultimately it should be your choice of wether you want to use them or not, because if you know you don’t actual need them, even just for some specific missions, doing so would give you an additional edge when you aim for the best score, so in my opinion this would fix boosters by making them on pair to any other equipment.

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There is absolutely no reason to play without boosters mounted so this medal would be just like “either brave or stupid” and nobody would go for it after getting at least one.


The thing with the Either Brave or Stupid medal is that 97% of the times it is indeed not worth it, however, in missions that have very few waves and/or low chances of gifts drop (eg: comet chases with misterious ship or meteor storms with u.c.o.) it is actually worth more than going for gifts and weapon virtuosity, because you can get next to nothing in those cases. The rest of the times it is not worth indeed.

Playing without boosters would be pretty much the same, plus, even if boosters are seen as to conventional to play without them they still remain additional things that you can live without, even if more often then not it is not worth it, but it should be your choice to decide if you really need to use boosters or you’re sure you can go without them and be reworded for this bald choice with an additional medal that gives you an edge when aiming for best score, just like the Either Brave or Stupid medal.

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