Ninteno swich ps4 xbox

i know

@InterAction_studios please give some people an ability to lock topics, this is hell.


Can we stop on the bandwagon of ruining hossine’s posts every SINGLE time. Like they may not have much thought put into them, but can we just give hossine a break?


ok ok ok . calm down please !

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…what did they even do to you mate


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 20 hours.

IA close this topic and never open again, it spam


he spams

And yet the people who mock hossine make things even worse by spamming themselves.


xd I am create a thread that runs at the beginning

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Did you notice that when @hossine raises an issue, everyone fights together?Oh god whyyyy?
Are you children in kindergarten?:expressionless::confused:

I know that sometimes he acts irrationally or breaks the law, but you are not children. Help him to act within the framework of the community.


The last reply in this topic was almost 7 days ago.

Why did you bringed this thing from death


The community’s hostility towards hossine has been called out numerous times before. It’s time for all of us to move on from this drama.


it’s almost like some moderators could solve all these problems

and no regulars despite being able to flag are still not the proper moderators, like jesus christ flags don’t work most of the time since y’know the guy can do their shit again, just hire some proper moderators this should have been done ages ago


Man, I remember this being a major issue since the CIFAN72 incident! Surprised it still persists.


He is right! Maybe sometimes I’m irrational. But know this is the only way to salvation!

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So we had to take risks to try to grow this company. I promise you, with these ideas, interaction will be the biggest and most popular company! To be with the chicken invaders who are thinking of becoming more popular. (Only with effort and cooperation!)

I agree, but interaction studios is not a COMPANY !
the developer of game is just one person!And he is alone!

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i doubt any of those companies would collaborate with IA,other indie creators maybe but companies no