New Weapon: Light Anti-Chicken SMG

Ah, yes. CIU has evolved over the years since 2018. And the last weapon added was the Absolver Beam. A really long time ago. And I know that this is one of the most hated weapons due to it’s limited practicality, so here’s a new weapon idea.

The Light Anti-Chicken MG
Pretty self-explanatory. A lightweight submachine with an extremely high rate of fire. What more needs to be said? Well, the UHF will tell ya.

IG Description: After months of endless research and experiments, our newest machine gun has been finally authorized for use against the Henpire! This submachine works just like the predecessor from the people who brought you the Boron Railgun, but with an excessively boosted firerate. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find a way to cool down your weapon pods, so you’ll have to deal with the overheating.

Weapon group: Metal
Overheat time (default heatsink): 6s (4s on overdrive)
Base firerate: 25/s
Booster firerate: 37.5/s
Now, the thing that makes this weapon special is that this is the only machinegun weapon that does not use the typical chevron format. The 5 bullets at max power trait is still retained among the Boron and Vulcan. Projectiles fly out at an irresponsibly high rate of speed, going even faster than the Boron Railgun. Also, the firing path of each bullet can go up to a 10-degree cone from a weapon pod (similar to the Riddler). Big projectiles can penetrate through enemies. Also, this is the ONLY weapon as of now in CIU to have an 11th and 12th power level before max power.
NOTE: I do not have any visual designs for the projectiles, please forgive me.
The bullets take on the design of a small Vulcan Chaingun projectile, but thinner.
This weapon essentially follows the Vulcan Chaingun’s firing pattern until⚡2, then it just stops at 3 bullets until⚡10. Essentially a submachine with very low AoE, and very high DPS.

There are 3 projectiles.
Small - 100 damage, 1.25x speed of fast Boron Railgun projectile.
Medium - 150 damage, 1.5x speed of fast Boron Railgun projectile.
Big - 200 damage, 2x speed of fast Boron Railgun projectile.
:zap:0: One Small from the tip.
:zap:1: Two Small from the front weapon pods.
:zap:2: Three Small from the tip and front two weapon pods.
:zap:3: One Medium and two Small from the tip and front two weapon pods.
:zap:4: Two Medium from the front two weapon pods.
:zap:5: Two Medium and one Small from the tup and front two weapon pods.
:zap:6: Three Medium from the tip and front two weapon pods.
:zap:7: One Big and Two Medium from the tip and front two weapon pods.
:zap:8: Two Big and one Medium from the tip and front two weapon pods.
:zap:9: One Big, two Medium, and two Small from all weapon pods.
:zap:10: Three Big and two Medium from the front weapon pods.
:zap:20: Five Big from the tip and all weapon pods.

This machine gun is essentially a rapid-fire version of the Neutron Gun, but it’s a machine gun.
I’ll take any compliments, hearts, suggestions, complaints, or feedback. These are very important for a recruit like me to keep giving out fresh ideas to enhance gameplay.

EDIT: Changed :zap:8 and removed :zap:11 and 12 for a more solidified damage scaling, and adjusted projectile damage for DPS to be par with other weapons. Credit to @GgWw1175, and a sample has been added for @OfficalK12

And here’s a concept of this weapon at :zap:20.

Also, I get how the 37500 DPS is so much for a machine gun, but COME ON. The Boron Railgun, one of the worst weapons at low power levels, can be combined with the Accumulator to fire high-damage projectiles and spit out NUMBERS on DPS. Read the wiki about it, please: Boron Railgun | Chicken Invaders Wiki | Fandom

no sample?

non-standard power level setup? ew
only mullers would be able to use whatever :zap: 11 and :zap: 12 is
besides just a faster machine gun isnt exactly original or warranted


A couple of levels could and should be removed.

fp	dpv		rof		dps		heat	total dmg	dpv increase
0	50		25		1250	6		7500		N/A
1	100		25		2500	6		15000		50
2	150		25		3750	6		22500		50
3	215		25		5375	6		32250		65
4	230		25		5750	6		34500		15
5	280		25		7000	6		42000		50
6	345		25		8625	6		51750		65
7	380		25		9500	6		57000		35
8	300		25		7500	6		45000		-80
9	415		25		10375	6		62250		115
10	480		25		12000	6		72000		65
11	610		25		15250	6		91500		130
12	645		25		16125	6		96750		35
20	750		25		18750	6		112500		105

Notice that :zap:4 provides a tiny increase to damage, and :zap:8 is outright a downgrade.
If we remove these two, change B2’s damage to 100 so that it progresses smoothly and change :zap:9 to something with 500 DPV (5xB2 or 2xB1+1xB2+2xB3 would work), we get a more reasonable arrangement.

fp	dpv		rof		dps		heat	total dmg	dpv increase	
0	50		25		1250	6		7500		N/A
1	100		25		2500	6		15000		50
2	150		25		3750	6		22500		50
3	200		25		5000	6		30000		50
4	250		25		6250	6		37500		50
5	300		25		7500	6		45000		50
6	350		25		8750	6		52500		50
7	400		25		10000	6		60000		50
8	450		25		11250	6		67500		50
9	500		25		12500	6		75000		50
10	600		25		15000	6		90000		100
20	750		25		18750	6		112500		150

Its DPS is very low for its overheat, so one of them would have to be adjusted.


Done. Please read the edit. I’ll take any feedback.

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