New Weapon Idea!

New Weapon Idea!

Eggsplosion Cannon: A cannon that shoots giant eggs at high velocity. Upon impact, the eggs explode into a shower of yolk, on higher levels, the eggs become bigger, In 8 firepower the biggest eggs makes eggshell shrapnel, damaging any nearby enemies.

The smallest egg deals 400 damage, the 2nd one deals 600 damage, the 3rd one deals 800 damage, the 4th one deals 1000 damage, the 5th one deals 1200 damage.

The Weapon firing speed is 3 times per second in automatic firing, while in Overdrive or Accumulator is 5 times per second.

The eggshell shrapnel in the 4th sized egg deals about 200 damage on each one, while in the 5th sized one deals 300 damage on each one.

at 0 firepower, the smallest egg deals just 400 damage without any special cases, at 1 firepower the egg becomes bigger to deal 600 damage, at 2 firepower there will be 2 of the smallest eggs to deal 800 damage, at 3 firepower there will be 2 of the bigger eggs (Second Size egg) to deal 1200 damage, at 4 firepower there is 3rd sized egg which deals 800 damage and with 2 of the smallest eggs to deal 800 damage too, so the product will be 1600 damage, at 5 firepower there is 3 of the 2nd sized eggs to deal 1800 damage, at 6 firepower there will be 2 of the 3rd sized eggs with 1 of the 2nd sized egg to deal 2200 damage, at 7 firepower there is 3 of the 3rd sized eggs to deal 2400 damage, at 8 firepower there will be 2 of the 4th sized eggs which have special case, the special case is that when it damage the enemy, upon the impact, these eggs will make 8 eggshell shrapnel where it will hit some enemies, and the pattern shows 2 of the 4th sized eggs with one of the 3rd sized egg, at 9 firepower there is 2 of the 4th sized eggs and 1 of the 5th sized egg where it has the same special case in the 4th one and the eggshell shrapnel increases in damage, at 10 firepower there is 3 of the 5th sized egg, in 20 firepower (Max Power) there is 2 of the 5th sized eggs and 2 of the 4th sized eggs and one of the 3rd sized egg which means that the product equals 5 eggs.

There is different pattern in BX where BX is a firepower extender ship so the eggs pattern are different.

I hope my idea will be accepted.
thank you.


i think i’ve seen this before




Its already suggested

That one has already been suggest since ages ago back in 2018

it’s already suggested unless there are some potential reworks


I thought I would remaster the weapon so it can be a CIU idea because this weapon is great, I can add more ideas If IA didn’t accept this, I can get more weapon ideas

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