New special weapon idea - Sentry Turret

So I had an idea for a cool special weapon called “sentry turret” where it would be deployed at the point where you activate, the turret would use the microgun satellite as it’s weapon and it would last either 90 seconds from deployment or when it runs out of ammo, it would have 15% more ammo than the usual microgun and it would target small enemies and then larger by order (basic, then elite, and finally bosses)
It’s costs would be big (50 keys, 3 per slot, so basically 150 keys in the galactic store) making it the most expensive special weapon but also the most useful since it would let you focus on the boss while the turrets take care of the chicks or terminator chickens, this would make Yolk-Star a tad more easier as you don’t have to worry about the terminator chickens

Ik that it sounds busted but in addition it would have the same status as the accumulator, where if used in a competitive mission, it would disqualify it, so basically its just for fun or if you struggling with a certain world mission

Let me know what you think about this suggestion in the replies!


no offense, but never call your own suggestions cool. it usually never works

if it’s cool, don’t point it out, others will notice it themselves

okay, on to the ACTUAL feedback

A bit of info i’d like to at least put here first.

A microgun has 250 rounds in it. It shoots 10 bullets per second, so it lasts 25 seconds in total.
Each bullet does 300 damage. The total amount of damage done by all 250 bullets would be 75,000.
It is classified as a “Metal” category weapon. (Some bosses take 25% more damage from the “Metal” Category, which means 375 damage per bullet.)
It has a DPS of 3,000 damage per second. 3,750 per second if it’s against a boss weak to Metal.

Now, let’s begin.

90 seconds IS in fact way too long. The normal microgun lasts 25 seconds in CIU.

If you take the second option of 15% more shots (37.5 more, but i’ll round it up to 38), it lasts about 28.8 seconds instead of 25 seconds, which is fine.

Okay, while I get what you’re trying to go for here, this just doesn’t feel right.

The Damage Amplifier is fully offensive, and does not protect you from enemies directly, but at least you had control of what to target since its merely a damage boost for you.

In the case of the “Sentry Turret”, it’s offensive capabilities are too unorthodox (meaning it’s too out of the ordinary), and it will probably not even save you.

I’ll leave it to you to figure out what’s wrong with the Sentry Turret’s mechanics.

yeah you dont say

this is just ridiculous for a price

Don’t just use bosses as a base for your idea. Take waves into consideration too.

If your reason for suggesting this special weapon is merely to just make The Yolk-Star easier, then this would be a pretty bad idea.

for the love of god




Always have thought to balance. This is the most basic thing that should be taken into consideration for any ideas that involve something to do with GAMEPLAY and/or MECHANICS in mind…

If your suggestion clearly states to make the weapon “disqualified”, and that it is indeed unbalanced, then there is (practically) no reason it should be made.

You might want to (or rather, NEED TO) rebalance the special weapon you intend to suggest here.
I’ve also included the Microgun’s details above for you to help give you a base for your balancing.

and just so you dont need to scroll up:

A microgun has 250 rounds in it. It shoots 10 bullets per second, so it lasts 25 seconds in total.
Each bullet does 300 damage. The total amount of damage done by all 250 bullets would be 75,000.
It is classified as a “Metal” category weapon. (Some bosses take 25% more damage from the “Metal” Category, which means 375 per bullet.)
It has a DPS of 3,000 damage per second. 3,750 per second if it’s against a boss weak to Metal.

have a good day


The thing is (at least from my gameplay) some waves can least from 10 seconds to 3 minutes
So sometimes 90 seconds is probably enough to last you for a handful of waves, cuz it’s basically just disposable bonus firepower

It’s supposed to be like a hard crutch thing, if it didn’t have that status it would probably be meta
The reason why it would be unbalanced cuz:
1- it’s indestructible (like Hen Solo)
2- it’s stationary (meaning that you could chuck it somewhere let’s say at the edge of the screen before the boss shows up and just have free damage when you are dodging it’s attacks while you try not to overheat, waves too since you can get henn diagram wave, and right before it starts you put 2 turrets at the side of the screen and shave yourself time and spare a life, especially if you use bx ships
One more thing to note that since it priorities are weak and basic enemies, it would probably get around 20 kills per wave if you leave to just shoot by itself, since they have enough health to dies from 2-3 shots from the microgun
Maybe also add a buff so it’s bullet velocity is faster and does more damage (from 300 to 500)

Also just thrown this idea out you can balance it however you please, I just thought it would be neat to see some kind of extra firepower that’s isn’t necessarily the player himself

this is YOUR idea

i’m not going to balance it for you

have a good day


That’s not really an excuse. Now you’re just doing the opposite thing and making it completely useless for anyone who plays competitively. Accumulator disqualifies you because it’s still being balanced, no item should be purposefully designed to be unbalanced.
The base idea sounds fun though.


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