New Perishable

Eh there is a misunderstand here. You were talking about it as a perishable applied additively anytime you die while I was talking about it as an auto-use applied each time you die. I guess we should poll or let iA decide whether it should be a perishable, an auto-use or an internal change for all players to make dying less brutal.

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It’s 40 keys for a pack of 3. One goes in each slot. You can mount up to 3 simultaneously (i.e. reduce firepower lost by 1,2, or 3 units)

If it’s auto-use then you can have no more than 1 unit reduction per death, which doesn’t seem worth it.

Making it perishable allows for greater reduction in power lost. If might seem overpowered because it applies to all deaths in a mission, however if you die a lot you are unlikely to be performing well anyway. Plus, as a perishable you lose it at the end regardless, so there’s no benefit in stocking/mounting units “just in case”.


Eh, each slot can hold 1 or 3 units? And is the number of units equiped limited?

1 unit

Up to 3


Sorry I forgot to ask this also. How is number of firepowers lost each time I die determined? What is it depend on? Was @ChickenGaming true?

Another thing that could be useful if the rework is taken:
Items that takes a life to properly be used will also be more useful - in particular Poultry Payback.

Tactical usage wise, Poultry Payback is like a Mine, but it deals less damage, doesn’t wipe out projectiles, but the total cost of the Life + PP is cheaper than that of the Mine.
Oh, and it also takes more slots to use 1 of this too.

The only reason why it is an useless item right now is because it’s not worth trading your current firepower, life and medal score status just for something that deals less damage than a Mine, especially in high-firepower situations. And also, slots.
So, there’s a very high chance that this item isn’t more widely in use, and most people who do use it just doesn’t have another purpose for their keys, typically in the late game phase.

But in any case, I still support an Extra Life rework, as this just adds to the pain that is Key Investments.

PS: @QuackQuack the balancing on this post is flawed - I only did some rough work on that, so there’s a high chance for it to not be true.

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Yeah, Poultry Payback and Mass Condenser both work when you die. But they won’t be effective if you die far the enemies (by projectiles for example) or crash on part which not deal damage to them (like crab hands…), which make them even more useless and pointless. I think their can be a option to select whether you want to deal more damage to a single enemy when you crash in, or generate a weaker AoE when you die. You can choose what suit your play die style best, just like booster. I suggest a little buff for single crashing damage (double current is good enough). They will be turned into hardpoints or fleet equipments instead of auto-use.

Poultry is the one that always takes effect upon death. Condensers only activate if you crashed into something that can take damage, and that of course excludes projectiles.

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It’s all depend on the difficult of the mission, and also a number of firepowers which you are taking during a mission. Maybe you will lose a lot of power, example is what will happen to you when you lose 1 live at the nearby end of “Weekly Challenge” mission

Yeah, I see it seems to depend on difficulties and FP level. I wonder if iA can explain exactly what happened.

I mean, I personally would never use it.
Store price wise, it’s 8 lives/unit mounted.

It’ll only be worth it if the chance of winning is the same even when you lose a lot of lives in missions (which it isn’t). And if you do lose a lot of lives in missions, you’re going to be losing even more keys because you had this item on you, regardless of the game’s final result.

The whole stick of this item is to increase your chances of winning by a bit if you die once or twice in a mission, but since missions won/lost doesn’t affect the final key gain in any way, this isn’t an item that’s worth investing if you find Extra Lives a bad investment in the first place.

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Well, at the time I think it might be a must for competitive mission with high difficulties so that you won’t be nerfed so hard each time you die. Especially for mission you can only fly once.

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