Don’t Panic. This one will be cool.
I have been working on this for few days, Now I am gonna represent it at my best.
The Idea of the Enemy is simple, It is a battleship. But looks close to a drone. Pics:
Here are the components:
(Sorry if the design is bad, It is a first time I design a machinery thing).
1- Have 2 tracking weapons: Missile Pods and Egg turrets, They always target the player.
The Missile Pod Holds 2 missiles from CI3’s one. Reloaded in a pod. they will first track the player then fires, Also Have a moderate speed.
The Egg turrets are just small cannons on the bottom part of the Enemy, just does the same job as missile pods, but each fires 2 small eggs with low speed.
2- The attacks are randomzied, in better means, The enemy will choose which weapon to fire after cooldown.
3- Due to how tough the thing would be, I decided to have the same role as both Egg Gatling/Laser chick gun enemies in terms of health, cooldown and waves they appear in. So Basically:
- They will have the same cooldown.
- In Waves that have both chick cannons breed (Heavy metal, Panzer strike for example). they will have a possibility to replace them.
4- The Pilot doesn’t emerge from it when destroyed.
5- It’s thrusters indicates it’s direction:
- If it’s moving fowards, Thrusters will be pointing upwards.
- If it’s moving backwards, Thrusters will be pointing downwards.
Now I am gonna represent Waves inspired by them.
They will be just 2 waves:
1- Battleship Patroling
- A danger zone is presented only at the upper part of the screen
- The battleships will spawn from it and goes towards the bottom where it leaves, throughout the passage they will try targetting the player.
2-Battleship Variety/Divison
- A same danger zone will appear at the upper part
- This time the battleships will take a 4 attempts of divsion, they will appear from the upper part and stop at middile screen with three of them, attacks for 5 seconds and then leave, then another divsion with 4 of them will approach and does the same thing and so on until they reach 6.
That’s everything explained for now, Time for judgement.
- Yes. Time for some challenges!
- Neutral.
- No. Doesn’t seem interesting enough.
0 voters
Judge carefully whenever you want.
That’s all, Have a good future, everybody.