My wave ideas #1 (Remastered)

Greetings, friends! Since new waves will be introduced from v110 on, during summer, I’ve asked myself why not including my own wave ideas on the forums? This is the very first time I create this kind of topic, by the way.

This time, I’ve managed to build 3 unique wave ideas. There will be more in the future (that’s why I named this topic with ‘’#1’’), so don’t worry!

First wave idea: Make a wish!

This wave was by far the hardest to come up with. Here’s the plan. First of all, the left enemy spawner appears from left, the right enemy spawner from right, and the star fan from the top. Second, at the moment when the star fan starts turning, the spawners bring enemies. Third, every time you take down all the enemies on screen, the spawners spawn more of them. The spawners do that for a total of three times (three wishes). Oh, and there are gravity zones!:

Second wave idea: Checkmate!

This wave is kind of similar to some waves such as ‘‘Ultimate Extreme Square Dancing’’ and ‘‘The Honeycomb Conjecture’’, I’ll give you that. But trust me, it’s not plagiarism! It’s inspired by the famous chess game, indeed. Two types of enemies, each represented by a color:

Third wave idea: Elevators

This wave is inspired by the ‘‘Chicken Highway’’ wave, in case you haven’t noticed the resemblance. Basically, these are elevators, one going up and the other going down, infinitely, until you take every enemy down. And since I felt like we didn’t have enough waves with shooting barriers (or whatever the real name of those is), I built my third wave like this:

Let me know about your thoughts, thanks! May the Stars always shine beside you!


I only did some of these remakes in your post for your incovenience

I just had to btw lol


Thanks, but what about this one?

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One sec




Perfect! Thanks!

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nice “outline effect” plugin on paintdotnet but why comic saans

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I confess. I did try to download it. As I tried, however, it kept downloading random, pointless, suspicious softwares. It also sent me a ‘‘quiz’’ to fill with more or less ‘‘personal information’’.

No worries, though, since I managed to remove those softwares and keep my computer safe.

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Why not lmao

You mean this?


What the hell? This never happened to me…

Well, you could’ve downloaded it through the main page (which i think you did and something happened) or Microsoft Store, both free but payment is optional (like donations).

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signs of not downloading from the literally official site


So, this website is safe to download the software from?

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It should be obvious since that website is completely safe for me I must say


Well then, I might as well give it a try. That way, I would use the free painting software to make my next waves a little bit clearer. Anyway, thanks guys!

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Wave idea pictures have been remastered!

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No need for repeated tagging tbh

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Fine… IA can still find this topic without being tagged. Point taken, so I’ve removed the tag.

Ngl, that different elevator wave is still getting me. Should be added :slight_smile:


Eh, Yours just looks better than mine like I did with paint dot net