My problem with CIU nowadays (lack of content)

I completely get your idea brother, but the part of adding new spaceships would be crazy… iA would have to do some hard modelling and then coding everything a ship has into it. Then go through the flaws n stuff the spaceship doesn’t have and must have, y’know what i mean (take VF as an example with its firepower thing). I don’t do 3D modelling, but i have seen enough modelers, people who work on that stuff taking a hell of a time which could possibly explain why iA took long to do the VF and its mechanics.

There’s CRAZY good concepts in some topics here, the spacecraft design ideas are well-done (sometimes), but honestly it depends on the dev’s time. We all don’t know what he’s going through or anything else. Sometimes spacecraft ideas need to have em’ ideas (details) organized a little. And the rest about endgame stuff and storyline, though it doesn’t really matter to me as long as it’s Chicken Invaders, i do agree with you.

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a crazy solution would be hiring devs but i doubt iA got the budget lol

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Bingo, this

Most of the ideas don’t need remastering. They just need to get added.

I mean, currently IA can get excused for not having time. Remaking all episodes in CIU is a good goal and can be used to make an actually good microtransaction profit, but overall new content is sloooooow.

I wonder who that was…

Well it doesn’t have all of them, because IA stopped liking forum ideas (maybe not entirely, but compared to before). IA said that he has a mythical to-do list with 800 items on it. Mine list is a mere attempt to see what we could expect.

One time IA hired devs to make a port of some CI game, but it turned out awful and he prefers to make it solo. He’s a great programmer so I wonder what he could do if he chose not to do his own engine and just use some other available (like Godot for now)


yes it’s J2ME version of CI3 for mobile devices
I have it in all resolutions available (320240) (240320) (360*360)
And played it using J2ME Loader (J2ME emulator app) and it’s quality is awful, some waves doesn’t exist, there is one music and some sounds and they are much lower quality, yolk star fight doesn’t have terminator chickens
The gameplay is simple and much lower quality, it doesn’t have cutscenes (except for galaxy), the fps was lower than 15 and gets even lower in some cases (i think it’s emulator fault)
The galaxy looks bit weird

the second one is a screenshot in the emulator

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