Mouse won't stay in game

Ever since I installed the game, my mouse won’t stay in the game screen. Have tried borderless windowed and fullscreen as well as with the capture mouse setting on or off, but if I move my mouse too far to the side of the screen it just moves off the game and onto my second monitor. I don’t have this issue in any other borderless windowed or fullscreen game, so it doesn’t seem to be a Windows issue.
It’s caused me to die many times due to it triggering the escape screen then having my mouse in a weird position when I resume :frowning:

“Capture mouse” only works during a mission. At any other point in the game, your mouse pointer is not captured.

Also, even if you have “capture mouse” on, large sudden movements of the mouse may still cause it to exit the game.


Ah the only working in mission is what had confused me. I guess the combo of in mission and capture mouse on hadn’t been tried yet. It works for me now, thanks for the clarification