Map pins for POIs

It would be very useful if we could pin points of interest on the map.
There’s this one minecraft mod that does it quite well, Antique Atlas. It basically lets you mark the map with icons that you can later explore or visit. There’s been countless times I’d wanna visit one planet, and then when i zoom out to calculate the optimal route i wanna take, i lose the planet due to the sheer size of the map.

I’d even go as far to say to implement a purchasable item called the Atlas (insert funny egg pun here), so we could make it optional yet still requiring a price to acquire. Not to mention the addition would save time and let players focus on exploration rather than checking the planet every time. (I’m trying to connect my star systems with intergalactic highways but it’s annoying checking every time i wanna save fuel.)

Thanks for your consideration and happy new year!

Do note though that it was before map coordinates were even added (and I didn’t get a medal for that, what a ripoff)

Right now you can at least save the coordinates in some notepad yourself and then visit them.

True, but it would be way easier to not worry about forgetting where the planet was by having a marker in the first place.

This can be useful in searching for marking which is the closest dealership/aftermarket/heroes academy and so on
so we don’t have to waste time marking by coordinates in a notebook or something like that

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