Looking for ideas about Squadrons

Doesn’t seem necessary. Leaders can do that manually,I’m pretty sure that’s enough.

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Ability to suggest missions to squadron: leader will check mission and if he like it, he accept it and everyone will see mission assignment from member.


You just bumped topic, and i agree you!

Idk, but I feel that each suggestion here should be its own topic itself.

That would become topic spam real quick

I have been invited to a squadron and accepted, with 4 members. The problem is there are no missions ever I check almost daily.Someone please invite me to an active squadron.


You can add me (with the same callsign). I’ll invite you.


can u inv me too?

Just wait until the server’s up.

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kk when da server get bak again… pls try to add meh :,V

Join the Chicken Killers. I am the leader and I usually add 10 missions per day to the squadron.

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Can you invite me? There is no search function. My callsgn is the same as my name here without the underscores

Thx, bro. One thing: how many are we? I’m asking this because in the list of other people, they were gray, i thought they already joined, but i was the 10th person and the limit is 9, Are these people just invited?

So you’re the Chicken Destroyer? We’re in the same constellation!

9 is the max. If you see the :heavy_check_mark: like that, they are in the squadron. If the :heavy_check_mark: outline is not full, this means that they still not accepted or delcined the invite IIRC. As you can see everyone who I invited now are in the squadron.

But… am I missing something? i should not be there if i’m the 10th. Or is the leader not included?

The leader doesnt count.

Why can’t we see player stats trought squadron members screen again? It would be cool to see other member’s stats + personal activity in squadron and number of completed assigned missions.

I’d like a Squadron chat to be added as well, besides the Universal chat that was formerly suggested.

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