Like button weirdness

You can like a post,and then unLike it by clicking it again,and when you like it again,the counter goes one higher,and goes back to the original value.If you’ve understood nothing,then just keep clicking the like button below and it’ll make sense.

Nothing unusual

This is something,though


Oh god, I feel sorry for your eyes.

1 Like

Oh yeah,because the fact that I use the light theme is a huge issue


Like all things, it depends on quantity (i.e. the brightneſs of your ſcreen).

Also depends on you. For example,how much you’re used to it. At first,I wasn’t really that sure if I like it. But now,I just use it all the time.
Overall,it just depends on you,really.


I really did


I use the light theme

1 Like


I can’t even unlike the post.

Are you kidding me?

Press F5 to pay respect and your profile avatar will disappear from liked persons. If it’s not, it’s probably a problem with your browser’s cookies.

I know this can’t unlike thing in an closed topic

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