Joke Language

It would be extremely funny to have a language that doesn’t make any sense, translated by the community

It would be home for “as a joke” translations (because the language is a joke itself)

Of course, TOS-breaking translations will help you get a profile reset too.

Inspired by the “MEMEISH” language in Will You Snail?
(The entire language was a joke in that game anyways)


Something like Google translated language? Hell yes
was gonna suggest that today LOL

but much worse and makes no sense at all


Something like minecraft’s pirate language? (I love this one)


Ahem, LOL CAT language

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Would also love to see Upside-down English


like pirate speak from minecraft


I forgot to do a poll

  • Yes.
  • No.

0 voters

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I have no idea about this
but it will be funny lol

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It is very important to respect language. It is the only way that thoughtful communication can exist. We learn from each other. If you would like an alternative language look up Pig Latin. It is non offensive but easy to learn. Don’t think it qualifies as a true language though. Be well all…

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