In game achievements (includes Steam achievements

So I was thinking if the game had achievements that were also linked with Steam, so here are a few achievements that are not a part of the rare medals that you get in game:
Millennium Traveler - play with InterAction Studios in an multiplayer mission or with someone with this achievement (it’s called millennium cuz I was thinking if IA would use the Hen Solo ship and only he would have access to it)
Valiant gear - purchase your first legendary gear
Fire and Ice - use 6 coolant canisters in a single wave without ceasing your fire (aka holding down your fire button all the time)
Soldier boy - complete a mission with only missiles and ICBM’s
Suicidal justice - complete a mission with nothing but poultry paybacks (aka kamikaze your way through the mission)
The rest can be rare medals like 10k food, exploring the entire galaxy, helping with bugs or general development of the game

I hope it’s not too hard to do it and make it link with Steam, otherwise you can add these ideas as challenges for extra keys
Let me know your feedback about this suggestion :slight_smile:


there is only one problem with these achievements. It is possible that there are quite a lot of people here who do not have steam and are playing this game and the game is still in the beta phase and they are constantly adding new things so I think that if they were to add them, it would only be after the beta.


It doesn’t have to be only Steam, it can be still in game, only on Steam would be shown if you have done them through Steam, plus they would still have a reward Steam version or not

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This is just too dependant on internet connectivity since you gotta enter the room with iA on it, and usually, those rooms fill up quickly.

Also this would put excessive pressure on people who already have the achievement to play with other players, a recipe for disaster. Definitely not supporting stuff that could strain the CI community like that.

These achievements:

just further promote buying stuff to get medals. It’s not as abhorrent of an offence like the Millenium Traveller, but I’m still not a big fan of medals that requires days of grinding.

This is perhaps the most reasonable medal suggestion in the list, but now we have the problem of it being too attainable because of the Legendary Tracking topic.

All in all 4/10, most of the medals suggested here require further thought put into them.

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Maybe there can be an achievement where you equip your legendary ship with the best legendary gear and fully upgraded too, it would probably be called similar to Batman, maybe like Heroman? Or Knight in shiny armor

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we already have medal
its the same as achievement


In other words, medals ARE achievements.


It’s true


Would that be even possible in a mission that is not Comet Chase?

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