I can't play CIU, again

Not the issue. He can’t connect to CIU

  1. It still doesn’t open with Wi-Fi, only with Data+Hotspot, really weird.
  2. Yes, they’re different internet providers.

See. All your connections is very slow not you @Zarcx

My connection on Wi-Fi is 25mbps, how is that slow?

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Try to turn on firewall again.

Turn on firewall then play CIU?

Yeah, idk its work or not but… just try it.

Check your phone in play store and select do not app update

It still works even with firewall if I use Data, with Wi-Fi though it doesn’t.

Check your any programs open and disable auto updates

I don’t think is firewall maybe doesn’t work on me


The only thing I can think of is that your Wi-Fi ISP recently added a policy which blocks communication to ports around the range 23000-23010 (which is what the game uses).

Do you have access to a VPN? Try connecting through that and report back.


Ok, so uh, I don’t have a VPN, but everything is now fixed. Maybe it was temporary or my Wi-Fi’s ISP had some issues.

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So I guess it’s fix?

good to hear

Yeah, I am now able to play CIU, I hope no other problem occurs though.

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I play CIU but my internet crashes several times.
it comes and goes, that’s the problem

My internet doesn’t crash, it just doesn’t let me connect to the CIU server.

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