How will be the CIU's future?

Hello everyone! Are you enjoying Chicken Invaders Universe?

In my case, I’m very, very enjoying it. Ever since I came across the CI3 in 2007, I’ve been obsessed with the entire Chicken Invaders series. I was just a 10-year-old kid controlling a fighter with my parent’s laptop. Sadly I was unable to attend CIU’s opening ceremony due to fulfill the military service obligations(All healthy men in my co untry must serve in the military.), nevertheless, I finally returned to the Chicken Invaders Universe to annihilate the chickens and eat them for breakfast!

But hello, to be honest, I felt empty and lonely during the entire time I played this game. It feels like I’m wandering alone in a slowly cooling universe.
To put it bluntly, there’s no communicating method except the contact system and multiplayer chatting system. We cannot have a way to find strangers who achieved first places in various competition, until he/she accepts adding me a contact. Moreover, there is no way to invite him/her to multiplayer games even after adding them to my contacts! No lobby systems, no e-mail informations(Even though we need to wrote our email address when signing up!) We use Discord server to contact each other, but what about the people who don’t use it?

Also, there isn’t much difference between CIU 2023 and my childhood memories… Many of the CIU’s current waves are became classic, which are already in CI2~CI5.
As someone who is learning bit of coding, I know how difficult it is to develop and maintain a game with a small number of people. Nevertheless, the gameplay is basically outdated. To exaggerate, almost everyone knows how to play just by reading the name of the chicken wave.

As a newbie who started CIU 80 days ago, I suggest InterAction Studios to create workshop or wave sandbox for official CIU versions.
I have read the previous topics and looked for reasons why these complaints are not being resolved. In most cases, the reason was server overload, and there was also the reason that the game client became too heavy. I know that IA is only managing this game, but there are only two ways to maintain this game alive.

Accept the creativity, or allow the accessibility.(I think we need both!)
Of course, I know very well that IA respects our ideas and communicates with us, and I’m very grateful for that. As a player who really, really likes this game, I’m writing this with the risk of being criticized. If the opportunity arises, I would like to offer various ideas springing up in my head for CIU.

Thank you for reading this long and boring article.


In future maybe everything we thinking


What is the main social media of your country? I thought there should be a CI community at that media in your country? Beside Discord.

Sadly there’s no CI community in my country. Of course we commonly use Discord to communicate each other, but after I started playing this game it took a month to find the CI forum and two months to find the CI discord server. Quite inaccessible, isn’t it?

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Yeah, The fantastic thing about this game is that it accepts our contributions!

You can try to create that community group if you have enough bravery for managing a game community. Of course it will very hard at first, but you can try to invite your friend, or advetise the CIU in other media (TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

Sounds cool! Most gamers in my country don’t know the existence of this game… It must be the only way to gather them into CI community. Thanks for the advice!

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Everything is repetitive. Will soon become dead game. Way, waaaay more contents needed :sob::sob:

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I agree… Maybe the wave workshop/sandbox will save CIU from its demise.

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