Fuel Saver idea

An unknown scientist had discovered a new technology can reduce amount of fuel for traveling star system. He co-operated with the United Hero Force to made Fuel Saver.

  • Cost: 1k9 keys
  • Upgrade cost: 420 keys
  • Level 1: -10% amount of fuel
  • Level 2: -15% amount of fuel
  • Level 3: -20% amount of fuel
  • Level 4: -25% amount of fuel
  • Level 5: -30% amount of fuel
  • Level 6: -35% amount of fuel
  • Level 7: -40% amount of fuel
  • Level 8: -45% amount of fuel
    Shere your opinion in your reply. Do you think its good ?

That’s what engines do.


Its an extra gear.

Could have just suggested more upgrades to the engines instead of a new item that does the same thing as an existing one.

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