Firſt impreſſions

Sorry it took ſo long for me to write this up- I played about an hour (badly) laſt night, then went to pick ſomeöne up at the airport, and I only got back around 2 local time.

  • Muſic: incredible, motivating, beautiful juſt to liſten to. Perfect all around.
  • There was an irritating level of flicker in the menu ſcreens eſpecially.
  • The pre-miſſion menu where you have a grid of miſſiles, extra lives, and a lot of locked ſpaces in completely unclear. In two miſſions I failed to figure out what it was for.
  • The ſpaceſhip ſpeed limiting mechaniſm took ſeveral levels to get ſemi-uſed to coming from a Chicken Invaders-only video gaming background.
  • How food, keys, &c. work is unclear to the newcomer, which has its pros and cons.

Can you explain this in a little more detail? Does the whole screen flicker? Or just particular areas?

It doeſn’t do it anymore, but the firſt verſion flickered between two different ſcreens, like it would keep ſhowing you a different menu for a ſplit ſecond.

I figured out why it flickered: When uſing Windows game bar to record the game, it reſults in that weird flicker for whatever reaſon. It alſo reſults in the eſc key not working to pauſe the game, even AFTER the recording is ſtopped. The eſc key ſtarts working again on the next miſſion.

I see, thanks! Can you check whether the PAUSE/BREAK key still works (in cases where ESC has stopped working)?

On my computer (beïng a standard Lenovo laptop) I don’t have a dedicated break key but from reſearch I found out that Fn+P correſponds to the pauſe function, and indeed it works in both CI5 and CIU, but after ſtarting the recording it ſtops working juſt like the Esc key.

If poſſible, it’d be really nice to have an in-game recording device to allow us to go back and rewatch our miſſion from an outſider’s perſpective. It’s hard to ſpot bugs when tryïng not to die. It’d alſo be nice to be able to change the ſettings, at leaſt for ſound and ſo on, from the galaxy view without having to log out and back in.

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