Extra life saver / HP

Its system is either

  1. This auto-use item will add a hit point-like system for extra lives, once you get hit you’ll lose HP depending on how big the bullet is. Once the HP is 0 you lose a life.
    When touching a bullet, you’ll get knock-backed slightly and gain a very small amount of invincibility time.

  2. It’ll replace lives, making you have normal hit points like any enemy, the stronger the bullet is, the more you’ll lose HP. Once your HP reaches 0, you lose. The more you buy this item, the more HP you’ll have. When you lose enough HP you’ll lose one of this item.
    When touching a bullet, you’ll get knock-backed slightly and gain a very small amount of invincibility time.

Which one is better
  • 1st.
  • 2nd.
  • None.

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I have a strong feeling that it will be very hard to balance this for competitive missions.


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