Episode 5 BETA

Same thing, for Episode 5.

During the BETA, you can unlock the Episode for free. However, note that once you unlock there is no way to re-lock it (except deleting your game data folder at C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIep5), so please make sure you sufficiently test it in its locked state first.

Episodes will not include any on-line functionality. The BETA version does require connection to the server, however (the official release will not).

Episodes use some new text phrases, which are (obviously) not translated yet. Translations will appear within CIU in the next update, so you can translate them there.

You can skip/warp around waves: Press SHIFT+keys 0-9, -, = to set chapter (from 1 to 12), or press 0-9 keys to set wave in chapter (from 1 to 10).

You can also press Ctrl+K to add 100 keys (only works on screens where your key balance is displayed). Try not to use this from the beginning. First play the game normally and get a feel about how easy it is to earn keys. An important part of the BETA is calibrating prices to reasonable values, and you can’t do that if you use this cheat.

Please report your experiences here.

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from: https://universe.chickeninvaders.com/files/CIep5_BETA_v13_1_0.zip


I don’t think this fits in CI4 and CI5, specifically the satellite part, since there are no new ones from CIU


ci3-ci4 chicken

“later episodes” yeah right

red wingstreak

the player color is red, when the spawn shield is blue

this is the reason for it being red

game still crashes after wave 30 @InterAction_studios

Shouldn’t this be CIep5?

Does this work? doesnt seem to
why is charity red?
hard to read this text
this should only be a paid unlock in ci3
CI5 used to have special paintjobs that did the same thing as these ships, are the paints not going to return

Fixed in v.9.2 :medal_sports: Bug



v.9.2 is now available.

:warning: v.9.1 crashes on wave 30. Make sure you are running v.9.2.

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from: https://universe.chickeninvaders.com/files/CIep5_BETA_v9_2_0.zip


what the heck

this happens if you set your starting chapter to the ones above (11 is probably affected by this)

and if you move to somewhere you can’t access (out of bounds) your game will crash a few seconds later


Why is there a line on these tapes? (CIU3/4/5)
Screenshot 2024-10-02 013632
Screenshot 2024-10-02 014231
Screenshot 2024-10-02 014150
Also, all the problems in the font have been repeated in all versions!

Due to the large size for the awards, they are placed on top of each other
Also, the big prizes cause the description of the big prize to be displayed when we click on the small prizes.
This problem is in all episodes


didnt play ssh but from rookie it’s obvious you get a lot more collected keys here than in the previous games, like 50% more, wouldn’t be surprised if ssh would net you 400 keys at the end
partially a consequence of this game not having any prolonged periods of no key drops (previous games had meteor chapters)
you get a lot more keys here than in ci4, even though buying everything in that game costs more keys than here (but its mainly due to the millenium hatchling)
getting all medals still nets only 20-30 keys on rookie so i was wondering whether some of them should be buffed, though could wait for episode 1 beta (is that going to be a thing?) before that


Why does the [i] button next to the leader board entry not produce any sound when clicked?

On the medals screen when you press the “Back” button after choosing a difficulty you are zooming out, but if you press the “mouse button 4”/side mouse “back” button, which from my experience does exactly the same action as pressing “back” on android UI, you are dropped to “Play” screen.

The rendering artifacts are wild with some of these (the cockpit).

The options 3, 4 and 5 seem to be completely broken.


great! now I’m gonna laugh.

Bonus text is hard to read, the text color itself is already black and the middle background of it just… “darkening” it even more

I guess the beam shouldn’t pass to another target when it hits the ground.

  1. In CIep5 with “Tutorial Mission”, why does the spacecraft only move left and right like in Squawk Block and Invasion Anniversary mission in CIU? Cannot move freely.
  1. In “Paint Spacecraft” talking about to “Pizza delivery” spacecraft, In the “Pods” section the color needs to be darker (color code needed: #000000) not “#1F1F1F” and the opacity pods paintjob texture should be in the whiter box. Wingstreak I know someone posted a report about it, it said it was red. For me, the shorter Wingstreak length is not the same as the regular exhaust and normal size like in the original CI5.

  2. Satellites Rush should be removed in CIep5. In original CI5 is haven’t Satellites Rush unlockable.
  3. Environment in planetary mission will be like this (not idea or bug, just showcase)

    However, in Chapter 8 (Storm level), I see the blizzard storm texture layer (not the frozen layer of the frozen environment) in front of the black shadow layer of the darkness environment.
    I’m talking about the planetary backdrop that comes with the Environment unlockable… Terrain areas, seaweeds, ground, underwater, boulders, etc… need to be grayed (grayscale) out and colored depending on the environment like Hot environment is red, cold environment is cyan, dark environment is dark gray.


Funny to see this tip teach me how to fire satellites, yet i didn’t install it for yes reason

And satellite slots aswell (if you forget)

Unrelated to ciep but what happen to this paintjob after v148 released?

Highest powers in a tutorial mission? That looks weird :skull: well, it’s still fine, though sometime RNG doesn’t work exactly as my thought.

Ok, why are our spaceships kept at the bottom in tutorial mission like when we play CI1 or Squawk Block mission from CIU?


Suggestion: In “Weapon” setting, write a “Default” word nearby the weapon that is the default starting weapon of its Episode)

There are some changes to all Episodes that effect the total keys to buy and unlock things. Can you give us the latest BETA version for other Episodes? Myself want to calculate the total keys to buy and unlock feature or things for each Episodes.

Chicken Invaders 5 is the game that use to destroy the logical realistic :skull:

Hero has to save the Earth for preventing the freeze time and bring back the sun light.
Player when activate Hot environment in chapter 11 belike:

The sun’s corona shining from top to bottom and almost reaching the Earth’s surface in wave 110 is too rabid.

No sun corona from Hot+Massive Environment, my bro
The problem is, Earth are going to be freeze because of no sun light, but when we turn on the Hot environment, this cause the story of Episode is almost broken completely.

The gameplay was very interesting, but…
These soccer balls aren’t under their feet:

Chickens outside of their bubbles:

Same as the first image:

Also, these barriers I marked aren’t destructible unlike the original CI5
(feels like copy-paste from CIU):

I don’t know if anyone else experienced this but this was the settings I used:
Vietnamese language and chickens wear nothing

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