Epic and interesting waves

i hate those bubbles

Good place to train dodge skill lol

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it’s literally touhou but with chickens

even in seasoned


If you get Omnidirectional Ounslaught only with Chickenauts, even God cant help you.

Damage amplifiers work pretty well, actually.


It seems you haven’t tried utensil+amps yet.


It doesnt work for safety actually. Their movement is the problem. Its not normal chickens you know? Even if you clean most of them, some green **** will kill you.

Of course you can’t go absolutely stupid and not bother to dodge anything. But this combo kills most,if not all of the chickens.

How many bars of difficulty was this mission?

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7 difficulty bars and i played it in seasoned

The difficulty that you preselect determines the chances of difficult waves while the difficulty seen on the planet determines the waves that you’ll be facing. Even in seasoned, if you play elite missions, there’ll be a chance for epic waves to be generated. These difficult waves are known as epic waves and there’s a whole thread for people to submit their epic wave encounters. Honestly It could’ve gone much worse. Just take a look that post, many crazy waves have been submitted.

Edit: Unfortunately, you can’t change what waves show up in the weekly challenge. Its difficulty is locked and you have a chance of encountering an epic wave even in seasoned in the latter waves as I found out the hard way when I encountered the gatling gun roulette. I died once and had to use up my damage amplifier.:slightly_frowning_face:

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I will correct you before Orandza do it: The '‘difficulty bars’'are called ‘‘Skill levels’’.

Well,you didn’t do it correctly. I told you that stuff like seasoned,veteran,rookie etc. are skill levels,difficulty bars aren’t,unless I misunderstood that?

Oh, i messed up… Again. I didnt readed correctly.

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This wave was epic but on an other way
(I tried to screen without the pause)


Wait… do I play this game so little I didn’t even play a single frozen mission? Holy crap.


That is a spinner.

Chicken Invaders memes - #105 by Davoid