Early Access version 99

I was behind 11 seconds

That’s a waste of my keys

Yes, I will fly daily mission hard again for the reason it because It hard than can’t fly it just for the first time.

And you also beg Tiến for give you 90000 keys while he can’t gilf you

dat didn’t give me. My parents won’t let me use my money for games.

If you finish, then can u do me one thing
Talk in Direct Message

Because dat family can’t give Tiến 5 millions Vietnam dong and his momo account got hack

I thought it was 156 thousand vnd

All this just over a silly in-game competition, goodness gracious.

On the other hand, if you’re playing a game you should know when to admit that you’re terribly outmatched in terms of skill

okay what just happened here?
skill issue?
thirst of medals?
no you can’t say someone is bad just because they’re being good at the game, no

bUt yOu hAvE tO sHaRe!!! (says that person)

cant believe i’ll have to say this but

get good

no offensive tho

Let’s start banning for skill issue.

Okay, even though KombatRay was in the wrong for his jealousy of not getting the win, we should stop making fun of him. We should try to encourage him to perform better in comp missions, not bully him for not being good enough.

KombatRay, I suggest trying to improve relations with the community by apologizing, it’s not too late to turn things around and be someone who the community likes. If you have a few good friends, you may find yourself not needing to win a virtual competition.
May the forks be with you Ray!


No one is actually bullying KombatRay, the player is the one talking the most. Still, don’t throw temper tantrums, ever.


hope this makes you feel better

it IS possible to beat even the best, you know

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dude it is just a cup, be real with yourself if you see that someone is obviously just better at the game, like com’on you gonna start an argument over a digital, in-game achievement?

Why there are so many blanks spots though (in some cases)

blank spots?

oh you meant the nameless players

No callsign

i honestly have no idea

but hey, there’s proof that it’s possible to beat the person that wins all the stuff