Early Access version 99


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  1. Just wait

  2. It’s not

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no impossible question

skill issue

I have a potentially controversial thought here.

Safe zones, danger zones and anomalies should be shown in every difficulty, even SSH. It’s just an artificial and unfair way of bumping up the difficulty that punishes returning veterans all because they didn’t know of new waves in CIU.
And dying every time just to determine the safe zone of a wave is not fun. Plus it could mildly discourage people from making waves with safe zones, anomalies, etc.

Sure one can just lower the difficulty but changing the difficulty to veteran seems like an inconvenience at best and annoying at worst, especially for returning veterans who prefer SSH’s other forms of difficulty increase but not the disappearance of zones.

I dunno about everyone, but I don’t wish to jeopardize the gameplay experience of returning veterans in favor of a minor way of buffing difficulty. Plus even for existing players, it is getting increasingly difficult to memorize all of the safe/danger zones of an increasingly large wave list.


Staying in center solves every possible wave, except the treasury.


If this change makes it into the game, then I’d like to suggest a HUD mountable that disables those mission zones, which gives you 5% equipment perk in return.

Pretty sure there was a wave with tons of chickens that first show up in the middle in a huge bubble before getting released, so treasury absolutely isn’t the only one. And yes, this wave got me killed the first time just because I didn’t know where the damn danger zone was. I’m sure there are other waves that do this as well, just can’t think of any rn, and I can imagine many waves would favor starting at the bottom rather than the middle.
So I am fully in support of having all zones displayed on all skills. Removing them from virtuosos and ssh is bs, especially with all the new waves that get added, and it would be stupid to go down to veteran or lower just because there are one or two waves you haven’t seen(also for players like me who take a longer break from the game, we might not even know about these whatsoever which makes things even worse)


it was “tangled mess”
also for the unmarked danger zone stuff i dont enjoy being bonked from behind in shear stress
i’d like them to be visible


Thundercluck would like a word.

Jokes on you, he has no collision circle before he starts playing his electric guitar.


I had that fixed at some point, but it created unwanted complications with certain weapons, so I reverted the change because it wasn’t worth the effort :frowning:

Not worth it. It could be done as a more general change (namely, user-customizable satellite positions on ALL spacecraft), but this could create balance problems – maybe.

I’m willing to make that change, but you should poll it first.


I’m kind of against this. It’s a defining feature between classes of a spaceship model. I think it probably would be bad for balance as well (Barbequer Shield).

  • Safe/Danger/Anomaly zones should be shown on every difficulty level.
  • Safe/Danger/Anomaly zones should not be shown when playing on high difficulties. (Current state)
0 voters

Come on! why?
A pro player should know the strategy of each wave from its name ( my own opinion )

Yes, but what about new waves? For instance: Early Access version 99 - #870 by MaybeOrandzaIdk

Yes, I thought about this before.
This is true, for new waves I always keep my position in

Not completely center and not completely down.
I mean you can do something about this problem (with your past experiences)
This position is the best position in the game.
You will not be attacked from below, neither from the sides nor from above

Same opinion. Even with an average player like me, i have used SSH for too long, that’s the reason why i can remember all attack patterns, so no need to mark zones on high difficulty.

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Certain waves may cause confusion when zones are not marked. This is specifically for the shear stress wave. You don’t wanna end up being hit by a chicken on the start of that wave

Fortunately, items in this wave are not so fast.
You will have enough time to react if you are in the position that I mentioned above.