Early Access version 96

get a better gaming chair

Seriously though, mouse malfunctions aren’t that common. Poop walls from cowards can be avoided if you don’t shoot like all hell, even with Ion Blaster. If you’re having trouble not dying on Daily Easy, you just have to improve your skill. Now you would have had a point if you were talking about Daily Intermediate or Hard, but if you’re dying on Daily Easy you really have to get good


and how is this the game’s fault for your device deciding to die at some point

or not being up to spec

or your hastiness on trying to rush a wave where slobs and cowards are rampant

i wonder skill level you’re using then

how badly do you want to win? if you want to win, try harder

if you’re thinking about winning with no effort, then go home

its a competitive mission. you should know what you’re doing before even attempting one


Multikill bonus exists, that’s a solid reason to kill enemies quickly. Also some waves like on the radar with toxic chickens, corridor shooter, yolk star and other waves with limited space are lethal with a coward or a slob.

Daily Mission Easy is supposed to be a mid-level difficult mission with SSH. It yields only 30 keys even when you get No 1, but dying even once can nuke your rank by 4-5 places if not more. And learning how not to die is a considerable investment in time, and from how meager the rewards currently are, for most players, it’s not worth it.

I really do have to ask you, why do you so stalwartly defend keeping a game mechanic that is frustrating to a lot of people? What detriment do you think would follow if the penalty for dying would be less harsh?

but then

Unless you want to remove even that amount of decision making in the game, like is it that hard for you to shoot slower when there are enemies that penalize you for it on screen

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risk vs reward, again

as crap as the prizes are

trying to make a profit should not be your incentive for trying to show off how good you are

Because from what you’ve said so far, it seems that you’re only suggesting all that just to tailor the game to your own liking. You’re only suggesting all these because you want to win, and not for the good of others.

From what I have seen from your gameplays, you play by instinct, and less by strategy. You’re also extremely impatient.

Hell, if the risk was really that much to bear, then I’m sure a lot of people would have complained about it before you have, and by then, I’m sure iA would have at least done something about it if THAT many people had a problem with it.

Because the stuff you’re suggesting are mostly for selfish reasons.


I still fail to see how a severe and oftentimes RNGish punishment for death is beneficial to the competitive scene. Right now it just seems artificially frustrating.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you wouldn’t try to criticize the critique’s skill, but here you are…
It also encourages players to play it safe instead of being bolder and more aggressive, thus leading to more tedious and unenjoyable gameplay that feels like a chore instead of a fun challenge. You only take the perspective of the skill level of the top 1% of the playerbase who have already mastered the art of not dying consistently, there are much more players who still haven’t mastered that skill yet and die a lot on comp missions. It’s a lot more frustrating for them, and you need to learn how to take them into account.

You know everyone gets the same waves right? Also in the past there used to be unfair RNG bonuses relating to weapon gifts and keys spawning, but they are all gone now.

You are assuming that everyone wants to finish a mission as quickly as possible. Since overdrive was introduced, the game has progressed faster mostly, it takes less than a minute to finish most waves aside from boring long waves, bosses and epic waves, which acceptably take longer.

A competitive mission except Weekly and Ironman isn’t any different from a normal mission, travel around and find planets with suitable difficulty to practice on. They also discourage players from dying, as each life costs 5 keys when the player eventually runs out of them (unless they try to play all missions with one life).

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that’s coming from someone who has a weird definition on what skill is

also, i’m not replying to this anymore

you just don’t get it

For missions with multiple attempts, all of this is true, but for missions with 1 attempt only:

I do appreciate your politeness compared to some other people though. Practicing getting medals on normal missions is the only constructive advice I’ve received in this debate, the rest are all slander that would be said in a stereotypical FPS lobby.


IA can you add something here that we know who the host is?


We already see host name from the multiplayer mission list and host player name always on top of the broad


Ah I didn’t know that tnx

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My opinion? Well, I’ve been trying to get the clean sweep on some asteroid/meteor waves (also in the galactic cup, in which especially today was a meteor storm mission), and clearing all of the meteors was complicated even in the first waves.
Plus, a lucky player might still get it, and if anyone couldn’t get it, then no one would even notice the fact that clean sweep is gone, so I don’t see why it shouldn’t get removed.


I don’t think it’s that hard, I got it a couple of times b4

Well, it’s not that easy either, is it?

Another Vietnam swear name



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Like me
I get clean sweep score in meteor storm or astroids or treasure shower or even comet chase more than 50 times.

Plus , I don’t think it is really important


It’s all about your bullet
(Like Ion blaster,Forks,vulcan,Even I got it with positron and lightning)

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hi, idk if this is a bug, is meeting the same boss again in boss rush Normal, i got egg cannon twice, and both were normal not the cannonade, also i got brothers united twice as well

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