Early Access version 92

i realized the mission icon is showed NONE

Already reported


Same to me

On chatting part, I can’t press ESC when I want to cancel the chat message.
When I press ESC, it say you have to hold to leave the room.

Also this is weird

Satellite set and item go brrrr

Can the kick button in multiplayer add a message when there is no players for kick like this:
“There are no players in your room for kick”

can you disable those options for guests, because i think it’s exploitable

why pro liz can flying ironman

He’s hacking

maybe the contact

I still can’t join even is contact game

I join an ironman lobby, but then I got timed out. At the results, I tap “Fly again” and it takes me to the ironman preparation screen, and then I can play ironman in singleplayer.

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Why has this been done?

Because Esc now does the same.

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Because it’s an exploit in the Space Race cheating. And it was removed in version 67
I think iA realizes this too

@InterAction_studios When you are rotaded by an anomaly , gravity in your direction is not working

Changed in v.93 :medal_sports: Idea

This is a bug – already fixed.


Changed in v.93 :medal_sports: Idea

Has been already fixed.

Investigating this.

Already fixed.

Fixed in v.93 :medal_sports: Bug

Already fixed.

Already fixed

You mean when it’s disabled? Is that really necessary?

How is it exploitable?

Already fixed.

Already fixed.

It was replaced with holding down ESC. Same thing.

In multiplayer, anomaly zones do not change gravity direction. I suppose I could make it only work for the host, but I decided not to. Change my mind :slight_smile:


well that maybe on Thursday, October 21, the game is going to update version 92

There will definitely be an update. Unsure if it will be a client-only patch or not.


Crashed after changing Sound settings in a single-player mission.
Happened once.

that is a problem