Early Access version 85.3

But they are disabled.

Still works for me. You mean only dares? Or they don’t in boss rushes too?

Yes, they’re disabled in challenges only

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It looks weird both ways. But I see it had a space in CI3, so might as well use that. Changed in v.86

Changed in v.86 :medal_sports: Idea

Changed in v.86 :medal_sports: Idea

Changed in v.86 :medal_sports: Idea

Storing and maintaining passwords is a huge hassle (partly, as you explain, because they are often forgotten)

You can no longer do that in v.86

Fixed in v.86 :medal_sports: Bug

Known. Waiting until the food is collected/disappears before moving onto the next wave would break the flow too much. The food is still counted as part of the next wave.

It’s a generic term meant to apply to everything.

It is, but I can’t see a clean way out of it. I can either play the sound effect multiple times (in which case it will be louder), or only play it once for all 3 lasers (in which case it will stop if you destroy the laser it’s originating from).

Yes. But in the code they’re all dares, friendly or not.

Well, relative times take into account your local computer clock, so if that’s off or wrong.

What I find interesting is that your local clock seems to keep track of time in your local timezone (instead of UTC, as it should). Or perhaps you’ve incorrectly set your timezone? What does it say in your Windows “date and time” settings?

Is it just this ‘road’ that appears broken? Or all of them?

I’ll look at your ideas later.

What is?

Yes, because I reverted the change in order to fix the “balloons disappearing” bug. I don’t know how to fix it yet.


The spaceship exhaust. It is facing the spaceship direction.

“Explain” sounds a bit off in video games (nitpicky I know). “Help” would be better and easy to understand (if this is approved, no medal needed, let the original suggestion keep their medal).

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UCO 5 when?


Or make it clear what the item does in the description itself. It’s not hard, and there’s plenty of room for it.

shut up we need uco 5


Perhaps, it was set to UTC 8:00 Pacific time (US & Canada) while the clock is supposed to be 2:00 Cairo, I set it correctly now.
However, it still says “59 minutes ago” When I created a guest account just now.
Also the same issue exists with some people, someone joined a week ago but the game shows that they joined 19 days ago.

All episodes not CI3 only.

In fact, I will allow myself to bring up what I said in CID about an hour ago.


Is there? That’s the reason I put it in the button in the first place.

That’s probably Daylight Savings Time. Do your clocks go back/forward in the spring/autumn by one hour?

Given that said hints are only a sentence or two long, I’d say they can fit in comfortably without any problem.

This isn’t the case for Warp Interrupted, but the description is already good enough.

Idk, never cared about that lmao

Based on where you said you lived, I’d say no.

For context, those screenshots on ilfireli’s post were taken when we were messing with the system clock setting the date to random years like 2029 or 2016

@InterAction_studios Will leotards, underwear (or new reskin) be added to CIU?

2025, 1980, 1985, 2017 and the real time -9 hours.

:bulb: “Centipede, Zig-zag, The Magic Flute, and Bend/Kick it like Beckhen” waves: Prevented Balloon chickens from spawning when wave is ‘upside down’ (@Francis :medal_sports: Idea)

at this point evan in the Cardinality of Four when you are ‘upside down’ the ballloon chicks should not appear!!!

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That wave doesn’t have a mirrored variant though, it’s just how the wave works