Early Access version 75

I’ll take a look. Which backgrounds are the most problematic?

Who else thinks this would be useful?

I’ve made a note about this, but it’s not as straightforward as it sounds.

No, because that would create an imbalance for competitive missions.

The game does need new content, but sadly I can’t spare any time for it right now.

They’re not supposed to be.

Because all enemies in that wave are part of one big group

I don’t see a problem about when grenades are thrown, however it’s a bug that he doesn’t descend vertically. Fixed in v.76 :medal_sports: Bug

This is called “full justification”, and sometimes it results in problematic text layout. Won’t fix.

Known. It’s unavoidable because your game stops simulating the galaxy while you’re in a mission (for obvious reasons).

From the crash report, it appears that your GPU became unstable, and the driver was restarted (hence the crash). I don’t think the game had anything to do with it; the GPU is shared between all apps on your system, and it’s much more likely one of those other apps caused the problem.

Fixed in v.76 :medal_sports: Bug Although I do think that it’s now too fast to be manageable… but I can’t figure out a better solution. At least precision key exists.


Shouldn’t RamonTokus get that medal for bringing it up earlier

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Well, let’s just hope the time for that comes soon.


As long as he will not accept boss buffing stuff anymore

CI5 background on hot environment on a red sun is the most problematic. Honestly, the plain red asteroids blend in quite well with the CI1, CI5 and CIU backgrounds, especially with a red sun. CI2 CI3 and CI4 have a different color, so they aren’t as bad.

Ci3 background is also quite troublesome with regular asteroids in regular background, along with the CIU background where smaller asteroids can be surprisingly hard to spot.

Thought that too.

Not with the grenades, it’s just that Special Forces throws bombs first(aka do his 1st attack) then moves(left or right) at normal boss battle while at Double Team Special Forces moves(left or right) first then throw bombs. So far Special Forces is the only boss that acts differently in Double Team at the beginning(as explained above). I just want to know if that is intended or not?

Wait you made him move vertically during initial appearance? That should fix it, thanks iA.

Also I can’t select stuff like planets through the banner:

I think I should be able to since the banner is transparent.

I think Infinity Chick needs a 10% or 20% size increase at Double Team like Superchick because Infinity Chick is supposed to be big too(not as Superchick but still) because at Chicken Multiplicity: Superchick>Infinity Chick>Big Chicken. But at Double Team Infinity Chick is as the same size as Big Chicken, so a little size increase would help and to be in a suitable size to fit his big bullets too.

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I doubt that too

haven’t i reported this long time ago?

EDIT 2: [i have just tried for bx-9]

You know what iA, how about you remove the downside asteroids since “it’s making the game harder for casual players”

This is ridiculous, backwards asteroids is way harder then double chetoos Egg Cannon, if people can’t take it being added from even 120% difficulty then backwards asteroids should be removed too.

What do you mean “it’s making the game harder for casuals”? Casuals don’t play with SSH. Plus it starts from 101%, not from 100%. And it was decided so by the people, in my poll. You’re not trying to make the game easier for everyone, you’re trying to make it easier for yourself.


Also, IA said he’s not removing them again.

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Ok, then why ya’ll still don’t agree about the double cheeto Egg Cannon above 100% difficulty?

Btw what I said above was a sarcasm.

A mistake on my part, I didn’t expect them to be too much

Well ok then

Because backwards asteroids bring some variety to the gameplay while double cheetos are just making the same thing x2.


I tried it multiple times and it’s fine, you can pass it easy if you know what you’re doing(aka be smart and don’t get close to Egg Cannon). Of course it’ll be hard first time you encounter it, but you’ll get used to it.

I don’t get why people still don’t want it even above 100% difficulty, casual players won’t suffer from it as you said above, it won’t appear at competitive missions, it’ll be in a suitable difficulty for it(if iA removed it because you told him to, can you suggest double cheetos to be from whatever difficulty above 100%? At least it’ll make sense that way).

I even survived it with bx-9 without dying:

Because RNG is a bitch and you should know it.

I reported it first though

iA, can Shoot the core’s apple shoot 2 more slanted bullets when >=70% and 4 slanted when >100%? I mean, it’s not a big threat since you have to move slow here and only the middle bullet is the threat . It’s just like making it firing more beautiful.

Should it?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Neutral

0 voters

Even yourself cant control about buffing stuff

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Hehe, I’m aware of it.