Early Access version 72

Master Squawker has already got enough lasers on squawk block.
Why do you need more lasers?

ia why does this happen

It is even easy on SSH

Bomber players will kill you if it gets added

Stop kidding

That’s not a joke


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Does this look like a joke to you?

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You’re not supposed to send a contact request to a player with a empty callsign :smirk:

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I will explain this: master already had enough lasers and bombers with their big chicken butt hitbox and slow as a turtle. The lasers on SSH max difficulty is already fast, making people have to think fast but bombers have to squeeze through those gaps. One more laser and RNG becomes a villain means bombers b gone. And you can only move at the bottom (or Z-axis or something) and the boss can ram you if you kill him too slow.

Let me guess, you played on easy missions.


Ramon is right, how are you supposed to dodge 5 lasers with a regular BX-9 without perishables and without dying?

No i didnt

Now that I think about it, is it possible to do that with Henlley’s Comet?

So can Slob chicken have a shocking expression?

Only bosses can have them.

Why you want a fragile enemy have such complex.

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It was but not anymore

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Well you are just trying to challenge average CIU players tho. And another thing is that please focus on requesting some stuff that will make the game more interesting to play than making the game even harder

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Ok, maybe, just maybe reduce its speed a little, if it’s that insane at 100% diff I can’t imagine what will it be at 140% diff. Not saying for myself ut for christian_f and BX-9

Actually you can with BX-9 but must use jets.


Every mission you fly with the BX ships (not just the BX-9), it really needs maneuvering jets.

True, although some players actually don’t, I considered those at the post above.

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So IA can the Chikenaut chicken eject a chicken upon death. Because when you kill it, the armor is only destroyed.
The medal goes to @Francis if he suggested it.