Early Access version 71.2

I just sent a dare at Franci and I found out that something was wrong, the “Outgoing” and “Incoming” texts have interchanged places

Edit: This has been fixed as of 71.2

You didn’t send me a friendly dare

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Ugh, shit, not again, I seriously forget to track the flower icon and ended up daring ya for real.

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Feel free to do it again, I don’t mind free points :wink: (no offense, you’re one of the best bomber mains around)

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what is this?

(Unfinished translated)
This one is only example for Thai language.

Yeah, and i like “wait, something isn’t right here”

What are those flags for?

Texts that should be translated.

  • I think there is no need for packing order in squawk block, you will stand there and kill one by one chicken while they are getting down fasted then you can kill in the right order… and if you miss one, up goes your bonus and you will not get anything. People rush them in a hurry to take multikill bonus and food.
  • This was idea a while a go, about Henperor’s apprantice:
    So, the second attack is the spinning lasers, they are always spinning in one direction, same as Chicken Multiplicity, and Chicken exponentiality, IA, can you make the spinning lasers go once on the left side, and once on the right?
  • Popcorn eating idea:
    When your space craft overheats on popcorn shotgun and starts to shoot popcorn, why not making it to be food? 50 score per popcorn…

I prefer to bringing Maize wave back from CI4 in sun missions, at least.

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Nice one, about bringing back old stuff… do you know about asteroids that cannot kill you from CI2? It would be very nice to bring them back but on a completely new planet… a planet with circle of rocks… so its like having normal missions but with asteroids floating around…

The “a” letter from last text of Ironman message should be removed
As this text for non-owners of CHL.

Yes, but there should be a new planet for it. It’s up to IA.

Yeah, i said there should be a new planet for it…

I was think It’s an idea

Hm, screenshot glitch is more common now

:warning: Emergency patch v71.2 has been released. It corrects some bugs with translations. You only need this patch if you are translating the game .

(I haven’t looked at your other posts here in detail yet, please don’t ping me about them)


I have some idea and question:
1.Does CIU has a debug mode, if yes how do I active it?

I only see it on this version, anything else is a same. Could you make these things like this

and this

in it own topic (pin it too)

  1. I have a suggetion for CIU mobile, can you make the satelite not auto-fire? Because it so annoying!

4.Can you make the wave spawn depend on points?

How it works?

The point of the wave is calculate like this
base point × diff. = wave
Each type chicken have their on point cost
Ex: chick: 10 pts
chicken: 15pts
slob: 12000 pts
chickenaut: 7500 pts
If you are want a cleary example, here is it:

Wave example

Wave name: The next generation
Base ponit: 24000
Diff: 40%
Wave ponit: 24000 × 40% = 9600 pts
Using some wave generator we can have:
1 chickenaut and 23 chick or
24 chicken, etc…
(the cost may not incorect to the base point but it has point near the base point

5.How many people do your dev team have? Just 4 fun :slight_smile:
Thank for reading

Uh, do we have to translate regional stores?

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Only players without CHL should be shown in the list for gifting, but CHL owners are listed too.
Because I’m able to gift licensed players too.