Does that include “The King of Crabs” or only “Giant Robotic Space Crab”?
Also you need to move the coordinates up & right a little so they can fit there:
And is hidden in galaxy map whenever you click on something like players, planets, etc… can you fix it?
Why some bosses rarely appear like “It’s the Mother-Hen ship!” at high difficulties? While some appear a lot? Is it possible to balance them.
Can you add the CHL badge to the required textures?
Can you show days too?
I dared Arnav normal dare but it won’t let me dare him a friendly match:
Why? I know I can dare friendly matches multiple times a day.
Also if a recruit’s rank is too far away from you and has not logged in too, it’ll say “Recruit has not logged in recently.”. Could make it say “Recruit’s rank is too far away from you”? It would make more sense.
How about at “It’s the Mother-Hen ship!” the yolk shoots faster the more it gets redder/hurt? Make it slow at the beginning.
Could you buff the key rewards x3 at most active daily/weekly?
Could you add missions with multiple environments at League? Like hot+electric, massive+frozen, even hot+frozen, make it random. You can allow missions with 3 environments(will have a small chance).
Could Magnetic Manipulator spawns 2 asteroid patterns instead of 1? This will only apply from 100 difficulty, but make the asteroids slow down.
I noticed that hot & frozen Ironman are in order, like this time it’s hot, then frozen, then hot and so on. Is it in order or random? I’d love it to be random.
Could you add “League” button here:
I almost crashed into “Feather Brain” was about to destroy it, then I didn’t die luckly but the weird thing is that it didn’t drop any food.
Could this be fixed:
Why there’s no multi-kill at Feather Fields There used to be before.
I used Absolver at “Armored Division” which means I destroyed 10 of them but I still didn’t get you said before that I need at least 10 shots per wave for it.
Could you enable Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V? To be easier for emojis.