Early Access version 69

show added from coins collected

Why though

iA can you change the login method please?

Attack of the Giant Crab is the easiest crab, because the patterns are definite, and the Giant Robotic Space Crab meanwhile has throwing targets in a restricted space. Whether or not King of Crabs is easier or harder than the other two because of the screen expansion is up to debate.

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Small detail maybe fix
When boss exploded in the dark, it should have a big flash (bright the screen up).

when dares exist, i think myself of “restrictions” for dares
so that’s why this reply exists:
Custom Restrictions for dares
you can use this to force people to do stuff:
types of restrictions:
Weapons: can choose any weapon except moron raligun, moron railgun is a meme, not an actual practical weapon, so do not put moron railgun as a restriction, example: “no boron railgun” or “Plasma Rifle only”
weapon starting fp: can go from 0 to 8, example: “starting firepower: 4”
Items: you can strict people to not use phase-outs, or anything like special weapons, can restrict anything that is an item, example: “no Damage Amplifiers”. “Extra lives only”
ships: uhhhhhh i dont really know what to say here, but i guess the “types” of spacecrafts is the best choice here, like “H&Cs only”, since not everyone has every single spacecraft

comment notes: this might be already suggested.

indeed, already suggested by trueuser and denied

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oh ok

All difficulties.

Can’t replicate. Remember that each spawner has its own Pecking Order, and ALL enemies coming out of a particular spawner belong to the same Pecking Order (i.e., each group of 4 doesn’t have its own Pecking Order).

It did originally, but that was changed at some point because otherwise the set of waves would change depending on your skill setting.

Perhaps your graphics driver is overriding (ignoring) the V-Sync setting. When you turn on VSync and “Show FPS” in the advanced graphics options, how many FPS does it show? Is it around 60?

You mean it cancels the spiral fade-out? That’s known any by design.

Changed in v.70 :medal_sports: Idea


Can you please read this IA?

The Fps always is around 60 at that time

Henley’s Comet is very weak right now, can you increase their health?

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How would increasing its health make it stronger

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Increasing health just draws it out for longer. It needs better attacks.


RNG phase 3

That’s right, I want to play around in phase 3 for longer :grin:

Or defense like bosa nova.

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Fixed in v.70 :medal_sports: Bug

So it is V-syncing. And yet you still see tears? Do you have Win7 or Win10?

It was already increased recently. I’ve increased its speed instead. Changed in v.70 :medal_sports: Idea


Im using windows 10. The tears only occur when something is moving really fast

Okay, since it happens at all difficulties can you increase the chance? Make it depend on difficulty because I got near Hend Game’s big laser cannon at difficulties past 100% and it didn’t shoot at me(at phase 5).

Actually at The Magic Flute I missed some Pecking Orders but I still saw the sign at the next group, so I think eack 4 has a Pecking Order. And about the Pecking Order sign disappearing and appearing at some groups, I want to record a gif about it but I couldn’t post it here for some reason. I’ll record a video next time I met this wave.

And why Henlley’s Comet is named like that?