Early Access version 59.3

How about background-blending bosses? That’s a weird suggestion

But you can change background in shop and those are not very similar to each other. Especially hard to make modding background legal for this.

Oh no no no, it won’t disappear. It just stays there forever. It will all just accumulate in your inbox till you check them or click “mark as read”

oh, in that case it’s fine


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Could this little error in the game’s logo be fixed?

(I know it’s not a big deal but it triggers my OCD :slightly_smiling_face:)


Oh gosh, thank you for finding one of the worst bugs that have ever existed inside the code of this MMO game.


Can we have mirrored CIU?


OneWingedLunarian knows what you’re doing here, so am I :wink:
And let me guess that timed missions will have lower time windows depending on difficulty and getting splashed will take out a significant amount of time.

Fixed in v.60 :medal_sports: Bug

It’s a weird Photoshop downsampling artifact. Yet another corner of reality that makes no sense :roll_eyes:


While in standard gameplay, this is an error I came across. I am running Windows 10. I died shortly before this error occurred, if that adds anything to it.

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Why every user use windows 10 have a bugging like this (Even me)?

But not me


I confirm that’s the BUG
Why I can upgrade weapon while my RPC (reactor power consumed) is almost reach to my RPP (reactor power produced)?

My caculation

You see my RPC is 1848KW and my RPP is 1875KW. So If I upgrade absolver beam it will plus 57KW and with my caculation: 1848 + 57 = 1905KW.

Is this intended or not?

Try actually upgrading it, and it should appear?

It appear Red (!)


Do you have a better reactor in your inventory? Like Proton Proton?

If you do, that’s probably why it still allows the upgrading, because the power consumption does not exceed the capacity of your best reactor.

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Now I just realize that I forgot to flag my BX8 before upgrade Absolver beam.
And yes. I have a better reactor.

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Now you know it’s not a bug. It’s just that you didn’t set it as a flagship yet.