Early Access version 57

Yes, to the RB button, didn’t work, to the Y button, didn’t work

and shouldn’t this be tweaked?

Can you make texts 25% less sketchy? It sketches out the whole screen

and why even does the new player intro have text animations


Why not? It looks awesome. Especially if you don’t try to catch frame with pause button.


it doesnt look very familliar…

Which part? The fact that the glow is still showing for a single frame after key is spawned? Not important enough.

Changed in v.58 :medal_sports: Idea


Apparently, it’s possible to connect to the same account, and link two different emails. This was done with two different computers with the same guest account.

The latest e-mail will overwrite all previous ones. You might still see stale e-mails in the “other” computers, but they’ll be refreshed as soon as you log in. This is what I meant by:

This could only be fixed if the game immediately connected to the server upon startup, i…e. even before the main menu (which I don’t want to do)


Hm, okay. But when I tried to link to my main email, the pin did not work. It just closed connection on other side, or lost connection.

This can be caused by (a) e-mails with capital/uppercase letters, or (b) e-mails with more than 32 characters. Is this the case for you? (both bugs have been fixed in v.58)


I set mine with a capital letter, but it’s less than 32 characters.

As a workaround in v.57, you’ll need to re-link using lowercase-only e-mail.


Hm, alright. However, I do have one quick suggestion:

Instead of saying “logging in as ‘email’”, how about “logging in as ‘callsign’”?

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I’ll probably remove have removed the e-mail from the login screen as well, it’s PII.

I can’t display the callsign at that stage because you’re not logged in yet (server sends the callsign later)


Okay, and one last thing before I stop bothering you :stuck_out_tongue::

Have you checked this post in this thread in particular? Just curious.


I think that a hard-wired music track for those kinds of repeating missions would make them boring/predictable very quickly.


Well, a new theme for Challenge missions (Daily, Weekly, Space Race) would be neat, rather than just using the stage themes.

Gotta make them sound and feel more important, right?

And something else I’d want to suggest:
Instead of “Daily Mission (Easy)”, how about renaming them to “Daily Mission (Rookie)” and so on? Renaming them after the skill level they’re set in.


we need an icon next to the “Skip” button and also make text bigger a bit
like this: image


Shouldn’t the skip buttons not be available in the beginning of the game? lets say players that dont read instructions will press the button and then be confused. I suggest removing the skip buttons when starting the main tutorial.

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imagine an old player who lose their email starting over the journey?
would they mind to LEARN TO PLAY?

every single game have a skip tutorial button, my man