Early Access version 52

But i reported it the first. So, my pic shows it even. No need to fight over it. You cropped my image so that’s wrong. I reported it. It’s just IA didn’t notice it after i edited it.

Feedback about the “Weapons Training Program”:

The weapons switch too fast for the person to become familiarized with the weapon. The training does not work in a way that overtly highlights the advantages and disadvantages of a certain weapon, for example, with Positron Stream and Lightning Fryer, I would want a wave where there are a large number of relatively stationary enemies closely packed together, for example, CI4’s Ultimate Extreme Square Dancing, and then show a wave like High Speed Chase where most weapons excluding Photon, Boron and Vulcan underperform grossly. In such a way the strengths and weaknesses of a weapon are displayed so that players can learn the fine print of a weapon’s usefulness.

Also, damage inflicted and destruction meter should be on default for these missions.

Thank you.


Granted. Except the point of “weapons training” missions isn’t actual weapons training. It’s just a twist on the existing daily challenge.


What’s the chance of getting the same weapon in 2 waves? I did

1/15th , I guess. Everyone gets the same weapons (it’s on repeatable RNG)


Speaking of weapon training…

I have found the early waves of hard challenge a bit too chorefull

While the medium’s portal gun with Hypergun 0 :zap: was challenging (You can’t kill all the chickens so you must avoid them), out of nowhere with only a riddler was pain itself and is a pure waste of time

So I suggest to increase up to 1 the starting firepower for medium and up to 2 for hard Training

Now that alternative dailies are a thing will we ever see the daily boss rush?

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I’d say go up by 4. :zap:0 for easy, :zap:4 for intermediate and :zap:8 for hard. Or make it so that the level of the weapon equipped affects starting firepower.

At least the Portal Gun wave is manageable with a bomber, that Out of Nowhere wave is just rubbish.


lol same


And what is the matter

You shouldn’t do that.

Why ? whats wrong , is it spamming ?

Yes, that’s wrong. If you want to agree with something or like it, click the :heart: button.

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so that the way i must reply with it

Yes, that’s how the “+1\agreed” rule works.

You should decrease the difficult crowd of the comets a littile bit


Yeah, that’s too much. I died a lot while using a BX-9.

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i am using the most expensive ship right now

You mean M408? Well, that’s good too.

CIU 2020-07-12 16.21.54 34.166 Who have more than mine ? this should give a shit ton of keys

It will give you only about 3500 keys, once I sold 300K of them :>