Early Access version 50

I think IA means that the destruction meter is limited to 20000 but the number can go higher


Yes. That has always been the case.

Go to your favourites list, select one, and use the “trash” button.


is it possible to edit color of overdrive overdrive meter.
if its not possible to edit color of it could we get ability to change color in v.51 (im not forcing that this should be added. its ok if people dont the overdrive meter color be changeable.)


with that now all the weapons go overheat very very easy :thinking:…is that ment to be??? :thinking:
because for me it doesn’t seems right…especially on higher difficulties…maybe should work well something like that overheat proportional with difficulty


It inherits the color of your “heat meter (high)” setting.


They still do:


thank you for answering.now i understand how to edit the color.

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Could ‘‘The weakest link’’ wave barriers be Indestructible too?


Is there any problem there? It’s all ok.

That’s quite an ingenious solution. You’re effectively pre-calculating the drops, and the first enemy to ask for them receives them (of course, different kill orders means that different enemies might drop them)

However, for a given enemy, the probability of dropping a gift differs from the probability of dropping an atom (and if both are trigerred, then the atom takes precedence). Some enemies give preference to one over the other, or drop one exclusively (e.g. Barriers never drop gifts). Due to this, pre-calculation is impossible.


I can’t tell by a single screenshot which direction the satellites are moving :wink:


uhh, aren’t they are supposed to be limited in the movement in the missions where players have limited-movement, or I misunderstood the change?

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They’re moving horizontally and vertically, if there were moving horizontally only you wouldn’t see any of them at the top.

Well, yeah. Their trajectory is limited to ±45 degrees from the vertical axis, so they move up/down.

It’s almost-horizonal directions that are disabled, because once a satellite leaves your grasp, you have no chance of collecting it.


So it’s not a bug? Because in the previous version I suggested the Satellites to move in a horizontally direction at Squawak Block missions and 120th Anniversary mission.

If it moves absolutely horizontal, you would never meet the case of losing it.


thanks :smiley:

All these paintjobs but no one has suggested stripes yet. Ok.

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Why is it that when I kill a Big Chicken Boss that goes beyond the top of the screen why doesn’t it drop something?

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