Early Access version 47

Updates are coming faster these weeks


Rather EFM-ing Polyhedral Maze, UltraStores, Bamboozled Again and Forget Everything
BTW I see the 15th weapon. What is it?

Uh, which one? There are only 14
Are you talking about this one?image
That one’s the Flash Ion Blaster, but although it’s not in CIU, we still use that gift to refer to the Moron Railgun


But there are 15? The newest one is absolver. There are 14 gifts, but 15 weapons. We had 13 in ci5, so all of that+absolver and moron in ciu


I thought he already knew about the absolver beam

Maybe, I don’t know. Maybe he confused homing photons for a new weapon and also thought there were 14 weapons until now. I’m a bit confused


I forgot almost everything about the game, except the fact how to play it properly

Oh, in that case, the Absolver Beam is a new OP weapon, and the Photon Swarm got a rework, now it has the homing feature

Absolver is op only in cases when chickens are not moving too fast or fly off screen. For bosses it’s good, for speed chase wave it’s meh.


You probably bought the Bird-Flu before this was fixed. If you sell one of them and re-buy, they should stack.

How did you manage that?!

Well, the Inbox only changes categories whenever a new message arrives. Otherwise it just stays wherever your last selection was.

Well, this was done because players complained that they pressed it by accident. BUT it dawns on me now that it was just because they were trying to abuse the “end session” button, in which case it serves them right. I’ll reduce the delay to 1 sec.

:medal_sports: Idea.

v.46 has a desync problem which might cause this.


Also we need Moron gift (a very very very very very very frequently suggested idea)
EDIT: oh noooooos i forgot to say is a joke Moron gift will not be add into CIU anyway

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Already suggested

If seriously, it’s description literally says you to get something better afap. It would be a shame catching it during the middle of Yolk-Star™ fight.


Maybe it would be cool, because it would make things harder

“Frequently ſuggeſted” does not mean “good”.


:bulb: Photon Swarm gift color is now blue+orange (@who?)
@1galbatorix1 no doubt :slightly_smiling_face:

I suggest to use the original gift of photon swarm for the vulcan chiangun!..to remove the little confusion with the positron strem gift!!!


It was actually @GgWw1175 idea for the gift redesign.


I don’t know :thinking:the first time that I see somethink about the changing the gift was in the balancing program!

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You mean when you’re using the Photon Swarm? Or generally?


Options :arrow_right: Gameplay :arrow_right: Color blind


@InterAction_studios, how about an option in gameplay to choose if a mission should end after some seconds after the boss’s death, or if it should end once all of the gifts/powerups/food/coins are collected?