Early Access version 47

How we fixed it basically.

Well… I stumbled upon this entirely by chance. I was playing a mission from my To-Do list, so obviously I entered it through my… Configuration? Menu and when I cancelled it, I noticed the text on the right looked like this:

Sort of bold and pixelated. I exited and entered again and I saw this:

Which is what everyone usually sees.

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@InterAction_studios The surrender text is still gray on the mission results. (ツ)
Did you forget to apply the color change,

or is it intended?


I juſt had my Esc not work for pauſing the game. I have no clue what cauſed it, but I Alt+Tabbed away and teſted the key elſewhere, thus determining that the problem iſn’t with the hardware, but I couldn’t confirm the bug as when I went back it worked fine.
Sorry for beïng the moſt uſeleſs teſter…

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New update
New bugs

i noticed that the photon swarm’s strong projectile’s additive blending can only go up to #FFFF00. I suggest that a little bit of blue is added to the projectile’s color (e.g. #FF5500 => #FF5511) so that it can add up to #FFFFFF.


DirectX 9 has already exhibited multiple incompatibilities (including the “Esc doesn’t pause game” bug)
Screen flaſhing white - #4 by InterAction_studios

Not possible to fix for now.

Shouldn’t the background items’ end up with a full stop at the end of sentence?
And same for music items.
Other items on the shop end up with a full stop.

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a Small buff for Photon Swarm, because is still kinda useless:

Weak projectiles 150 dmg
Strong ones 270 dmg


same bug


I think a full ſtop would look ſilly here.

Fixed in v.48 :medal_sports: Bug


I forgot about that. I only changed it on the outcome screen.

Fixed in v.48 :medal_sports: Bug


Well here goes my idea of a boss, it is the union between the U.C.O and the space crab, his wave name would be “United in parts … and weapons”.

(Design of how the boss would be)

His attacks very briefly would be a combination between those of the U.C.O and the crab. More specifically, it would have a lower movement than the UCO due to its large size and a range of mechanized attacks like those typical of any space crab, but the great difference is that in the 2 arms it has above it, they are controlled by the chicken in the cabin, which in this drawing are rays which point directly towards you (this weapon refers to the red ray that the original UCOs have), the other 4 arms have the mechanics of any crab. Also this boss could count variants of weapons such as UCOs and crabs, he also thought that an addition that could be fun to give a more original touch his arms can be destroyed if the part that joins the arm as such with the body, doing this will take very little life from the boss as such but will take away from the boss a way to attack you.

The drawing was done by my friend here is his devianart account if you want to see more of his work: PocketWatchstudios - Student, Digital Artist | DeviantArt (yes, he has helped me with the drawing of my idea, also as always this is not to spam him but he has helped me with the drawing in addition to giving him his due credit)

Also thank @minasam123 for his mostly moral help.


In Delivery Rerouting, sometimes I can hear the security droid’s shoot sound effect a second before he spawns

P.S. would it be cool if Resume was green and End Session red?

Fixed in v.48 :medal_sports: Bug


That’s a syncing issue caused by very uneven frame rate. Maybe another process took over the CPU, or the game had to load a resource from disk (if you’re using loadMode=2). It’s caused by the server pulling the client position’s back to where it should be.


Probably this. I have the load mode where my cursor gradually fills up, so it must be 0 or 1.

Thanks for the insight.


Could you make it ſo food and ſtuff doeſn’t diſappear when you end a miſſion in the ſimpleſt and moſt natural way? I think it’d look better if everything were the ſame after the terminal colliſion (other than the lack of a ſhip).


The question is, would you be reasonably expected to hit anything with any other front-firing weapon when you’re so far off to the side? Homing is supposed to provide a small help with your aiming so you avoid exposing yourself as much, not to make your projectiles fully guided so you can be lazy. That’s an idea for a different weapon :wink:

More damage and better homing? Shouldn’t these two things be a trade-off? :thinking:
