Early Access version 45.2

Gyroscope Malfunction is not a “chasing” wave – the enemies don’t specifically target the player. They were removed from Yolk Star because they actually target your location.


@InterAction_studios, I don’t think that the squadron license is an equipment, can you replace that line with something like: “You can’t sell a squadron license unless you remove all of the members” or something like that?


Except for thoſe who want a nice, light game. Which was one of the original goals.

That iſſue’s been dealt with.

In what ſituätion?

Wait, when did this happen? Is it for all difficulties, or juſt difficulties under a certain threſhold? I think they ſhould ſtill ſhow up at max difficulty.

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Ion Blaster, Vulcan Chaingun, even Utensil Poker struggles against Cowards.


Can the spaceships hint button show what performance is increased in rare spaceships ?

  1. Fire a couple times.
  2. Dodge the return fire.
  3. Repeat ſteps 1-2 until all the chickens are gone.

It’s actuälly eaſiër than when there are chickenauts, eggships, and flying saucers as well.

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…how do weapon skins change this? I’m not talking about a highly complex mechanic or in-depth new idea. They’re just cosmetic changes - that’s something you’ll see in a ton of mobile/casual games, and I don’t understand how it would hurt the game’s simplicity…

In any situation. :joy:
Ion Blaster or, worse, Lightning Fryer vs Pretty much any wave that is 100% cowards. Good luck.

Preciſely- the more graphics options you bundle in, the bigger the reſulting file ſize, as a general rule of thumb. In this caſe I’m not ſure how the weapons are generated, but I’d imagine more choices involve more raſters.

See above.

Oh cmon, 80MB download is not a massive size ffs.
You can even pump it to 300MB and no one would care today. Of course someone will come and “bUt MOBiLe!”. Even after installing it only takes 350MB. That’s absurdly low for a game released in 2020 (or later depending how much it is yet to do)

And how is size affecting the “nice” aspect of the game? I had games that weighted 20GB (it’s not that massive I agree, but I have monthly limit) and they were either good or bad. The same with games under 1GB. It’s not about size, it’s about game.


Maybe we can have free DLC weapon skins. That way, players can still download CIU without a significant increase in size and if they want to, they can download skins, thus their computer space isn’t wasted by weapon skins that they don’t want.


Quite the contrary. You’d just multiply requests of the type “I want to use skin X, BUT with Y skin’s sound effect”

Everything you buy is “equipment”, I can’t make exceptions. And squadron licenses are unsellable right now (regardless of whether you have members in it or not), because they leak data all over the database (e.g. assignments, “most active squadron”).

Not easily.

That’s a possibility (although it does have its own set of implementation problems). But the main reason I can’t go into this change right now is that it’s far-reaching implementation-wise (because I’d need to look at all weapons) and it’s cosmetic-only, hence low-priority during this period.


When missions are surrendered there is no icons near the length bar

How about adding the surrender button icon ?


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
what happened to @1galbatorix1 weapon balancing program??? …the balanced weapons have a lot of succes for me :slight_smile: I really enjoy using them!!! …and I think that the remaining weapons needs a touch!!! …I’m really curious about the Photon Swarm and Corn Shotgun results! :slight_smile:


buddy, nothing happened to WBP, we are just reworking on plasma and positron and lightning to make them more useful. it will be back, just have some patience.

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Changed in v.46 :medal_sports: Idea

I’ve used an orange X instead (the astronaut won’t work that small)