Early Access version 41

There’s no way anyone could have known. I wrote my reply based on information I had from this forum alone.

Say, how is it fair to us if these things happen discretely in Discord? Surely that makes having a forum meaningless, does it not?


Yeah… now this is getting kinda… ideas and bugs should just be reported on the forums…


So, I just ran CIU and had no intense music until I entered the server so it changed to quiet. After restart it fixed itself.

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Fair enough. Reverted.

Huh :astonished:


Also, Franci said he had the same bug near half of an hour ago.

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You mean no music at the main menu? i.e., before even connecting to the server?


Yes. I could hear buttons beep while clicking them and music wasn’t muted in options.

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Isn’t the discord server public?
I mean, I myself am not in it but I really don’t see a major issue here.

First and foremost, this server is unofficial. It’s not IA’s Discord server, it’s Emerald’s Discord server.

Second of all, the only person who does anything as a proper moderator in that server is Orandza alone. At least that’s what I remember and that’s what I gather to this day from our DMs.

Third, that Discord server is absolute trash and I lost brain cells from all the non-stop stupid childish drama that made so little sense I almost puked. My health has better things to be exposed to.

The fact the server is public does not justify anything here. Like Niki said, why not delete the entire forum?


Do you know how hard is most of the time to send question to IA in the CI channel in discord? Be lucky if you get answer, because around 10-15 other people for example can hide your question fast. Thank god that the ping exist.


wow thanks for that

btw you ignored that the suggestions can also be done through e-mail or in-game

and aren’t you the one causing drama here this time?


chill with that, i ain’t wanna see you guys fighting again


This is happening all over an idea medal


Half of yours wouldnt exist if it wasnt the discord server :wink: .

You’re very welcome. But it is what it is.

Yeah, can we emphasize that these contact methods are official? And people don’t use them all that much.

Hell no, this is happening over a page of incognito-assigned medals. Not a small deal.


I have never known that iA officially joined the CI Discord. I don’t even know how to use it and my Discord email account has long lost (and I can’t create a new account with the same email, unless I create a new email entirely).


I still remember when I emailed IA days before the forum creation to suggest him ideas for the new game. He told me to put my ideas in the forum, and I did.


I personally would disable them. Before this forum it was good way since it allowed to contact IA very fast and privately. But now that we have this forum which is official and you can view it anytime you want, these methods feel worse. It would be better if they were disabled or just reserved for private support questions.

Suggestions posted on this forum can be discussed by anyone and you can also see how many players are agreeing or disagreeing with you which can’t be done in email or in-game feedback. I wouldn’t also call Steam Discussions a good place for that because CIU doesn’t right now have it’s Steam Page.

Require suggestions and bug reports to be posted only on this forum and reserve email to personal support questions (like for example, why does my CI3 doesn’t launch)

EDIT: I also made my email with suggestions available here in this forum. It’s better.


All I have to say here is that it’s up to iA ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Wouldn’t this “incognito-assigned medals” part also count by sending iA private messages through the forum? Like, no one besides the person who made the suggestion and iA would be able to see that. Then again, the best option I can think of is to leave this up to iA to decide, not us.