Early Access version 40.2

29.1: New 3 chickens
30.1:2 new chicks
34.1:Key Rush missions
36.1:New Weapon “Absolver Beam”
38.1:Lighting Fryer Test
Custom boss music
Mysterius ship has 6 lasers
Ion blaster test
Twice Infinity new attack

Rip, off-topic


I played all this versions, idk the others

Ah, so things like Riddler and Ion Beam still need a rebalance? Anyways, I just looked into this, don’t expect me to become active, i just check sometimes.

Ion Blaster just got reformed.


The Riddler does need a severe reform, probably the largest one of them all.

So, how about making rarer Müllers reach top warp speed a little bit faster? Yes i know that there’s Warp Boost, but making rare spacecraft faster by default would be rather small and nice addition. Also, same thing with orandza, sorry if someone already suggested that before me.

I found this bug: When you choose to orbit a planet, press enter orbit then meanwhile, choose a mission to play then surrender/cancel mission/finish mission, the planet will be marked as explored although you didn’t actually orbit it.
(screenshot coming later)

I don’t understand what you say.Can you speak clearly?

Choose a planet to orbit, press enter orbit. Play a mission, surrender or cancel it, you won’t orbit the planet but the game thought you orbit it so the game mark the planet as explored
It rarely happens actually

When I press the “Unmount all” button, I can still press that button many times even though all were removed. Is it necessary?

I think the Apple Core needs a 25% health buff, because it’s too weak on easy missions(yes, seriously)


Changed in v.41
:medal_sports: Idea


May I ask, is it possible to add the order of the waves (for example:" wave 1 of 12") to supernova missions?

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You can already see that at the bottom-right.


What about this? I suggested the idea long ago(though Pritish should keep his medal because he came up with the exact numbers, but I was the first one to suggest the speed change for better rarities)

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Thanks for letting me keep the medal though I do think that a shared idea medal would be the best solution. By this logic, I should’ve gotten the idea medal for reducing the M408’s hitbox because I came up with the idea first in this post. Spaceship Rebalance Program.


Or you can add ducks in CIU that have joined the Henpire.

Ducks’ relationship with Chickens is too far according to taxonomy. There are Pheasant, Quail, and Turkey which have same order, Galliformes.

But, instead of them we could add more chicken specieses first! Laughing chicken, Bantam (or I would say Ka-Te in my country), Serama, Cemani (black chicken), Silkie and more.

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Still.They’re also farm animals slaughtered for meat.If not by blood,they are united by purpose.

And where’s CK-02 Henterprise?