Early Access version 27

Which came first: the chicken or the egg?

Eggs. Not chicken eggs, but eggs were first.

  • Looped sounds stop playing after Alt-Tabbing away.

Did you try to make checker which updates every, idk, 0.5 or 1 second and checks which objects should make looped sound? Or make it to check only after Alt+Tab combination. By the way, this could fix looped sounds bug too (if this thing is still here). This 0.5 delay will be barely noticeable and will do it before an actual fix.

Hey @InterAction_studios, Why did I hardly ever meet Crab the one with four lasers and the one with four chickens in SSH?

I think some bosses are removed at high difficulty.

I feel that first crab with 4 chickens is scarier than crab V2.0, especially when it throw 4 chickens at once.


The chickens there are more random. Crab 1 can be easily destroyed, but you can pay for that. I met him on boss rush only once! He belongs to the low difficulty bosses.

Just a small bug. On the wave “to infinity and beyond” some enemies spawn on the top left side as supposed to be on the right side.

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That’s always been that way. I think of it as a feature of the wave.

No,they all spawn there,it’s just that only one enemy is visible at that point. Back in ci5,you could kill this enemy and you’d see an enemy missing from the group once all of them come from the top right.

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The problem is that only one enemy per loop is shown there. Probably make this hidden or spawn at a higher point.

Fixed in v.28 :medal_sports: Bug


It was the only way to get the early bird bonus in Infinity and Beyond. Some score grinders might not like that change.


Well,it already spawns too far for you to reach in ciu

That actüally depends on what spawns.

Suggestion: mark star systems that we have already discovered but have not explored every object in. Makes it easier to know which places are causing you to not get the 100 percent exploration medal, like the starting star system.

Already there, if i’m not missunderstanding.

That’s the “Explored” option in the Information Overlay.


Right, my bad.

  • It isn’t possible to get Early Bird bonus on all kinds of waves like the portal ones.
  • If all players won’t get the bonus, then nothing would really change the scoring as the high score is concerned.

Yes, that has been there since CI5.